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A little errink and afterdeath story!

Ink will be this
Error will be this
Geno will be this
Reaper will be this
Paperjam will be this

It was a nice...afternoon? Evening? Morning? We don't really know as well time doesn't make sans (;3) in the antivoid, but it was a nice moment. Error went to visit his brother Geno at his save screen and brought him back home so he could meet his daughter PaperJam. Ink was, like usual, thrilled to have a guest. So much that she threw up black ink. "Inky dear, calm down, you're gonna put ink everywhere!" She giggled nervously before cleaning up with magic "eheheh sorry RuRu!" They went on and chatted for a while until PJ had an idea "hey why wouldn't he stay over? We could have a movie night and sleepover" Ink once again was thrilled and looked at her husband with star shaped eyes, as he shrugged at looked at his brother "if he is willing to stay, why not?" Geno shrugged "sure why not" ink once again threw up a bunch of black ink before giggling nervously and cleaning up "eheheh sorry!" With that they set up a large mattress on the flood infront of the couch.

As they were talking about their life as a family, someone knocked on the door. "Huh? I'll get it!" PJ said as she opened the door to see Reaper, standing there, scythe in hand "why hello there, seen Ink by any chance? She texted me about a movie night-sleepover" "umm yes she's here and yes we are having that. May i know who you are?" She moved out of the way to let him in. He looked around giving a nod to Error as greeting, a small wave to Ink and smirking at Geno, who hide his face in his scarf mumbling "oh god why him why is he here!?" Reaper smiled and replied to PJ "the name's Reaper, you might know me as Death" he then placed his scythe against the wall next to Ink's paint brush "umm okay.." Error gave a look at Reaper "would you move your scythe away from her brush?" The reaper gave him a confused look as he unsummoned it "it has a name!" "Umm okay but why?" "It could hurt it" the reaper was even more confused as he sat down on the couch "how? It's not even alive?" Ink gasped. "How dare you! Broomie is my best friend and confidant!" Error rolled his eyes "ouch." As Geno looked at her "erm it's just a paint brush" Ink was pissed. "NO IT'S NOT! BROOMIE IS MORE THAN JUST A PA-" she was cut off by her husband kissing her. She was cut off guard but soon melted into the kiss as the other three looked at them. Geno and Reaper were kind of confused by it as PJ looked away grossed out and annoyed by it. "Well didn't see that comming" "neither did I" the couple was now laying on the mattress making out without a care in the world for anything else. PaperJam stood up and walked into the kitchen "nope I'm not witnessing that I'll go get snacks" the reaper and genocide survivor looked at each others and smirked at the young girl's reaction

A few minutes later PJ came back with some popcorn, potato chips, candies and chocolate. Ink and Error were now lovingly cuddling on the mattress, Error sitting up his back against the couch with ink laying on her back into his laps her head on his chest. The young artist tossed a bag of skittles and a chocolate bar on the two's laps before setting the chips and popcorn on the coffee table. "So what's the movie?" "Anything but romance" said death without looking away from his phone. "How about undernovela?" "But ruru, you watch that all the time!" "She got a point dad" the glitch rolled his eyes and sighed "fine what about a horror movie then?" Everyone but Reaper disagreed.

After a while of arguing like that they finally came to an agreement on watching underverse. PaperJam sat on the couch as her parents staid cuddled up on the mattress and her uncle sat as far away as possible from Reaper who was staring at him with a look that meant 'please cuddle me' . Midway through the needy reaper had given up on trying to cuddle Geno and decided a pillow would do the job. Geno on the other hand was watching closely visibly interested in the story.

At the end of the movie Ink had fallen asleep in her husband's arms, PJ had eaten two bowls of popcorn by herself, Reaper was cuddling a pillow and Geno giving Reaper a 'really' look. "What the hell dude? Seriously?" "No one said cuddling pillows wasn't allowed. And you refuse to let me cuddle you" he gave a desperate look to which Geno just rolled eyes and looked away. "So what now?" Error kicked his head back and looked up at his daughter "it's way past your bedtime miss pajamas, so if I was you I would make myself discreet." The little girl blushed from embarrassment "dad! I'm 16! And stop calling me that!! My name's PaperJam not pajamas!" Geno couldn't help but let out an amused chuckle as the glitch grinned "well you were almost called that, but your mom thought it was uncreative and we couldn't call out child pajamas or pineapple juice" Geno just bursted out laughing "did you seriously try to call her pineapple juice!? Oh my god!" The girl was blushing a bright yellow pink and blue gradient trying desperately to hide her face with her scarf "hey tune it down a little, Ink's sleeping." Geno nodded once and glanced at Reaper, who was still cuddling his pillow desperate for some affection. "Why don't you go cuddle your boyfriend Geno ~?" She said teasingly causing both Geno and Reaper to blush "WE AREN'T DATING!!" Reaper seemed a little hurt by that, but didn't let it show hiding under his cloak "aw c'mon Geny gen ~ I know you love me~" Geno had no idea how to reply anymore as he knew no matter what he would say or do it wouldn't stop Reaper from flirting. "I.. no!" He then proceeded to hit Reaper with a pillow starting a pillow fight in which everyone participated except Error who really wanted to but with his wife asleep in his laps he couldn't do much

A few minutes later Geno came out winning of the war of pillows and Error had given in laying Ink next to him before slamming PJ with a pillow across the face and Ink woke up before joining in throwing a surprise attack by jumping onto Error's back. They had a lot of fun but now everyone was tired. "What about I make another mattress and we all sleep here? Or me and ruru could go sleep in our room letting you three sleep here?" Geno yawned then Reaper whispered something to Error who then said "I think we should go sleep upstairs and let these two sleep down here" Ink smiled and created two blankets for them, one red and one black. Then the couple when upstairs to their room as PaperJam followed behind and went to her room

After everyone yelled their goodnights, Geno laid down on the mattress settingt the red blanket over himself. He soon felt someone hugging him from behind which startled him slightly "!?- reaper! I told you not to do that" the god of death smiled softly, his eyes closed and his chin on Geno's shoulder "eh.. sorry Gen, but I couldn't resist any longer.." the bleeding skeleton shook his head gently but let himself get cuddled "gnight Reaps" "night Gen, love ya" " ya too.." with these words the two went to sleep cuddled up together.

There ya go! A 1328 masterpiece UwU
Eheh, see ya in the next one my lovely readers!

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