the day palette arrived

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A ink and error story! Maybe some poth aswell ~ eheheheh

Ink will be this
Error will be this
PaperJam will be this
Geno will be this
Reaper will be this
Dream will be this

Goth and Palette are toddlers, around the age of 3. Both can walk and say a few words



A few years ago, Ink and Dream fought against an anomaly in Undertale pacifist timeline #3. As they left, there were broken arrows and puddles of ink scattered here and there. But one arrow fell into a puddle of ink and the magic had mixed..

~~time skip to present day~~

Today was a great day! Thought ink as he went to the doodle sphere to watch over aus, but then he noticed something... odd, around the timeline he fought at with Dream. "Hmmm.. maybe I should check it out" and so he went to check it. Where they fought he was met with a shocking surprise. There was a small child standing there, with a paint roller in hand, looking at the now colored snow with a proud smile. The child was missing a tooth, which Ink took as a sign that he was the adventurous type. The child gave a last splash of ink into his 'masterpiece' before nodding his little head once making a proud 'hm!' Before turning around to see Ink standing there, staring at him, with his eye a purple question mark (?) And the other a reddish purple exclamation mark (!). The child took a step back, pulled his hat down slightly, grinned and grabbed his paint roller. "Stawd bawk stwanger!" He said with a determined yet feisty voice. "Woah there kiddo! I ain't here to fight ya eheh" Ink said putting his hands infront of him and giggling softly "say.. where are your parents? How old even are ya?" The child looked up at ink a little confused, as the birth mark on his cheek turned to a slight purple color which took Ink by surprise "my...pawents?" The younger one said, as he shrugged. Ink gave him a sad smile and kneeled down to be at his height "so you're orphan eh? Well.. what'd ya say if I brought you back home with me?" The child's eyes turned into star shapes "dat woud be gweat!" He said as he jumped around excitedly. "Eheh okay okay, but first I gotta clean your mess" 'woah that kid... he reminds me of me in a way.. but also Dream? Eh it's probably nothin' Ink tought as he cleaned the paint the child had splattered around. Then he opened a portal to his home and gave the child a hand. At first he seemed unsure, but quickly got back to his determined adventurous self as Ink gave him a warm smile. They both hopped in, arriving at Ink and Error's house in the antivoid.

"Error I'm home!! And I got a friend!" The destroyer walked over to his 'wife' and kissed his cheek "welcome home honey" he then looked down at the child, and his soul sank. He immediately knew it was Ink and Dream's, he could just see it. The way he was dressed, the colored birth mark on his cheek, his eyes, his energy, everything in him screamed Dream and Ink. "Babe? Are you okay? You glitched up there.." Error had glitched and froze for a minute, but them he looked at Ink eyesockets full of tears "d-did you ch-cheat on me!? How da-dared you!! I thought you-you loved me.." he then ran away through a portal "ERROR WAIT NO I DIDN'T" but his words were unheard.. the new child looked up at Ink with a worried face "is chu okayw mister?" He asked "y-yeah.. he just need time to calm down.. PJ COME HERE" the young girl walked down stairs while putting her jacket on "I heard the yelling, I'll go ge- umm mom who is that child, and why does he look oddly similar to you and Dream?" The artist shrugged scratching the back of his skull "I have no idea, and to be honest I don't remember ever seeing him before. But I know I would never ever cheat on Error!" PaperJam sighed and looked at the kid, who was very confused. "Hey there, I'm PaperJam, and this is Ink, the man that ran away was Error." The kid smiled and bowed, taking her hand and kissing it, well touched teeth to it, they dont have lips. PaperJam blushed slightly and giggled "what a gentleman.." she got back up and placed a hand on Ink's shoulder "Calm down mom, I think I know what happened. I'll go get dad don't worry" with that she went off to where error was at. Ink sighed and sat on the couch gently patting next to him for the kid to sit down, and he did, in a rather.. different way, he used his paint roller to push himself up onto the couch as if it was some kind of obstacle course, then sat down next to ink leaving a small splat of paint where he had put his roller at making Ink giggle.

Error was in outertale, his knees to his chest, crying. Which was a very rare thing for him to do. Then he heard a portal open, followed by footsteps, then a familiar voice.. "hey dad.. mind if I sit?" The destroyer looked away, not wanting his daughter to see him this way "s-sure.. do whatever.." pj sat down next to him and started speaking "you know.. mom didn't cheat on you. Before you say anything let me explain. A few years back, I would say about a week before Goth was born, He and Dream fought an anomaly in timeline #3. There were remnants of that battle and I think that kid was born from these." Error nodded thoughtful. After all.. that's how they created PaperJam.. Ink being soulless they cant do soul bounding, so they had to mix their magic to create her. Maybe.. maybe that's what happened with the remnants of that battle? "I.. I'm sorry.." "hey dad it's alright. Let's go back home, you made mom worried sic" he nodded and they left after hugging

Back at the abstract-crayon family's home, yes to me Ink's last name is abstract, ink was sitting on the couch with the kid, taking a good look at him. He really started seeing the similarities between this child, Dream and himself. When Error came back, he ran to ink and hugged him tightly "I'm sorry I ever doubted you love.. PaperJam explained everything" the artist got taken off by this but hugged back. "So... who is that kid? I found him abandoned in timeline number 3.." Error couldn't help but chuckle "he's yours idiot. And Dream's" the creator was extremely confused and shocked, and so was the kid "mister Ink ish my pawent!?" He said with sparkles in his eyes. "Whaaaaaat!?!"

~~one explanation later~~

"So this guy is me and Ink's child?" Dream, who was called earlier, asked. The destroyer nodded "well.. I guess he should stay with you guys, I don't have the time to care for a child with my job, even less such an energetic one! Stars he resembles you so much Ink!" Ink Error and PaperJam giggled "well I don't mind taking care of him! As long as he can visit you on weekends!" The guardian nodded and smiled. "So.. what will ya name him?" The new parents thought for a second.. "Palette Roller!" The two said at the same time, the newly named's eyes filled with sparkles at his new name, and Ink threw up black ink from excitement making everyone giggle, except the young Palette who placed his small hand on Ink's back "ish chu okay mistewr ink?" "Eheh yes yes I am okay" the kid smiled and went to sit on the floor playing with PaperJam, his new sister.

Alright that's it for now! But expect a part two ~ eheheh
1357 words

See ya in the next one my lovely readers!

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