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CHAPTER THREE: LUCAS AND HIS LONG LOST PENHURST FAMILY OR the weirdo on maple street (part one)

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the weirdo on maple street (part one)

"IS THERE A NUMBER WE CAN CALL FOR YOUR PARENTS?" "Where's your hair? Do you have cancer?" "Are you in some kind of trouble?" "Is that blood?" "All of you, quit! You're freaking her out!" Lily said, pushing the boys away.

Never in a million years did she ever see herself finding a random girl in the woods and deciding to take care of her in the Wheeler's basement, but here they were.

"She's freaking me out!" Lucas exclaimed. "I bet she's deaf." Dustin assumed, clapping his hands loudly near the girl. She jumped back. "Not deaf." "Guys, I said enough. She's just scared and cold. Right?" Lily turned back to the girl with a smile. "Hi, I'm Lily."

Mike passed her some clothes. "Here these are clean." The girl had buzzed hair and was wearing a thin hospital gown, or that's what it looked like to Lily. She started to lift her shirt over her head when all the boy yelled at her to stop.

"See over there." Mike points towards the bathroom. "That's the bathroom. Privacy. Got it?" He led her towards the bathroom and Lily let out a sigh. What the hell was going on? That had been a repeat question in her head possibly all day. "This is mental." Dustin said once Mike turned back, and Lily couldn't help but agree. "At least she can talk." Mike offered. Lucas scoffed. "She said, 'yes' and 'no,' your three-year old sister says more." "She tried to get naked." Dustin said slowly. "There is something seriously wrong with her, like wrong in the head." Lucas told the Wheeler boy. "She just like-" Dustin motioned pulling his shirt off.

"I bet she escaped from Penhurst." "From where?" "That nuthouse in Kerley County." "You got a lot of family in there?" "Bite me."

Lily held up her hands, silencing the boys. "All of you, stop arguing. We can't fix this with your pointless arguing."

"Lily, she's an escapee at this point, she's probably a psycho." The brown-haired girl gave him a pointed look. "And she can hear you asshole. You wanted to just leave her out in that storm?" Lucas shrugged. "Yes? I mean we went to find Will, not another problem." "I think we should tell Mike's mom." Dustin said with his hand raised. This was something Lily agreed with. "Yep, me too."

Mike gave them all an incredulous look. "Who's crazy now?" "How is that crazy?" Lucas asked him. "We weren't supposed to be out tonight, remember?" "So?" Lucas countered. "So, if I tell my mom, and she tells your mom, and your mom."

"Shit." Lily rubbed her forehead. "If your mother found out I let you do something like this, she'd hate me." She told Dustin. "Our houses become Alcatraz." Lucas said with a solemn nod. "Exactly." Mike sighed; his point finally proven. "We'd never find Will then." Everyone stayed silent at that.

"Okay, so she sleeps here tonight." Mike said finally. Dustin's eyes widened. "You're letting a girl?" "Just listen! In the morning, she sneaks around my house, goes to the front door and rings my doorbell." Lily nods. "And then your mom would know exactly what to do." "Yep. And then we can send her back to Penhurst or wherever she's from, we'll be totally in the clear. And tomorrow night we go back out, but this time we find Will."

It sounded as good as a plan as any, but Lily was wondering what she did in her life to end up in cahoots with a bunch of twelve-year-olds. "Alright, perfect. Now, Dustin, we're going home." He didn't protest at that one.

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