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JONATHAN STUMBLED INTO LILY AS HE SKIDDED TO A HALT. "What the hell is going on?!" Lily gestured towards the slimy opening. "I think she's in there."

"Lily? Jonathan?" Nancy whimpered. Jonathan stood back up and looked around. "Nancy! Follow my voice!" He cupped his hands around his mouth, hoping she would hear him better. "Nancy! My voice, follow my voice."

Lily awaited by the opening, tears pricking her eyes. She couldn't lose Nancy; she didn't know how she would make it. In the few short months they had become friends, Nancy had become like a sister to her. "Lily!" Nancy panted her hand sticking through the opening. "Nancy!" She exclaimed, grabbing her hand and beginning to pull her through. "Jonathan, help!" He fell to his knees beside her and together they pulled Nancy out of the tree.

Nancy wrapped her arms around the both of them, sobs wracking her body. Lily pulled her in close and squeezed her eye shut. "It's ok, Nance. We've got you."


            Lily splashed her face with cold water for the fifth time. Nancy had described what she had seen in there and it had been awful. Lily was terrified. She had hurried home as soon as possible only to see a note from Dustin saying he was staying at Mike's. She had been hoping she could give him a hug to calm her nerves but instead she was alone. Lily hated being alone. It reminded her too much of when her brother had left her, shivering in the cold and alone with her father. She tried to block that night out of her brain as hard as possible, but of course it would come back now.

Three sharp knocks sounded on the door causing Lily to almost trip over the rug in fear. She dried off her face and made her way to the door, picking up a rolling pin on the way there. She pulled the door open slightly, fear welling up in her throat. If this was the stupid monster thing, she was going to deck it so hard. But instead, it was Steve Harrington that stood on the doorstep. She dropped her hand with a huff and opened the door fully.

"What the hell are you doing here?" He looked down at her weapon and back to her face. "Why the hell did you choose a rolling pin as your weapon?" She rolled her eyes and stalked back the kitchen. Steve took this as his invitation to follow and shut the door, trailing after the girl.

"Are you okay?" He asked with a frown when they came to a stop in the kitchen. "Nope." She told him, refusing to elaborate further. "What are you doing here, Harrington?" She asked with a defeated sigh. He blinked. "Uh, I really don't know." He began. Lily jumped up to sit on the counter and shot him a look. "Okay?"

He sighed. "Well, I went by Nancy's because you know she was upset earlier, and I wanted to comfort her or some shit, and guess who I saw instead." Lily hummed in response. "Byers." Lily sat up slightly, surprised Jonathan was still there. "I'm not following." She told him, playing innocent. "Why the hell is Nancy hanging out with that creep when she literally told me she needed to comfort her brother?"

Lily glared at him. "One, Jonathan is not a creep. And two, I am not about to be in your relationship problems." She told him, pointing a finger at the boy. Steve sighed, he just needed Lily's insight. She knew the two better than anyone. "Lily, please. I'm not asking you to involve yourself in my relationship but-" "That is exactly what you're asking me to do!" "No, I, fuck. Look, Nancy's been weird lately, and distant and blowing me off.  Then she hangs out with Jonathan Byers who she wasn't friends with until today apparently, and I just need to know if you think there's something going on between them!" Steve stopped and realized he had been practically yelling.

Lily sat back surprised. She hadn't realized he had cared that much about Nancy. "Nancy has a lot going on, we all do. But if you're asking if they're together behind your back, the answers no. We've got a lot bigger problems than your love life here." His head dropped. "I should go home."

"Wait!" Lily called, stopping him before even thinking it through. "Yeah?" She took a shaky breath, really confused on why she was about to ask him this. "Do you, do you think you could stay for a bit? I can't really explain what happened, but I'm so fucking terrified right now and Dustin's gone, and I'm just stuck in this house alone." She took Steve's silence has a no and started backtracking. "Actually, never mind, forget I asked you, I'm sorry, just-"

Steve grabbed her arm to stop her from talking and she frowned when she realized he was now in front of her. "Yeah, of course I'll stay Whitlock."

Beautiful Disaster - S. Harrington.Where stories live. Discover now