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Lily rarely saw her mother smile. And when she did, it was almost never directed at her. It wasn't that her mother didn't like her, it was just that she was a reminder that she was stuck, stuck with a terrible man and an awful life.

But right now, Lily felt her whole world brighten up for a moment. She had been shopping all day with her mother for back-to-school clothes and they had just gotten back to the house. Lily had walked out with her brand-new dress on her mother insisted she get, but Lily didn't care that she hated it anymore. If it put a smile on her mother's face, it was worth it. "

Lily, you look beautiful, dear." Lily's own face brightened up at that. Approval. She rarely got it from her parents and relished in it when she did. But the smile on her mother's face last about five seconds before it dropped again, her gaze focused on something behind Lily.

"Well, well, well. My, what do we have here?" Lily turned around slowly to her father. "Hi, daddy." He gave her a nod. "Lily. Is that new?"

"Don't worry about it Tim." His eyebrows shot up at Lily's mother. "Are you spending my money without asking, woman? Huh? Are you?" Lily's mother winced. "She needed new clothes, Tim." He chuckled. "That was not the question. I said are you spending my money without asking?" Lily! She turned, confused where the voice had come from. Lily, Lily! Hello! "Wha-"

"Lily!" Nancy shook her one last time causing the girl to wake up. "Huh? What? What'd I miss?" Clearly a lot because she was spread out on an unfamiliar couch, Nancy hovering above her.

"Just c'mon, Steve's taking us home." She wiped off the drool on the corner of her mouth and sat up, still confused. "What? Where'd Barb go?" Nancy huffed. "Home. I guess. She was upset so I told her to go, and we'd get a ride home." Lily finally stood up, seeing herself in the mirror for the first time all night.

"Well, I look like shit." "You said it, not me." Steve's voice interjected from the doorway. She groaned. "Clearly I'm still asleep, because being is Harrington's house is, in fact, my nightmare." He pushed himself off the doorframe and made his way into the hallway.

"Funny as always, Whitlock." She smirked. "Don't you forget it."

Beautiful Disaster - S. Harrington.Where stories live. Discover now