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LOUD. IT WAS ALWAYS SO LOUD HERE. Lily covered her ears, pushing into the corner of her room even further. As if that would protect her from this. The music was blasting around the house, and you would think this was a normal family enjoying their Friday night.

God, she wished they could be normal, even if it was only one night.

She wished her dad didn't take the pills, wished her mom didn't yell, and wished her brother didn't try to fight. She wished that they could dance around then kitchen, laughing and just enjoy being together. But that was a stupid daydream.

The music? It covered the screams, the pain, the calls for help. Her mother was on the floor in the living room, tears streaming down her face. Blood running off her cheek and staining the new rug. "

What did I tell you last time Lorie?! You knew it would end like this!" Her father screamed over the music. Lily grabbed her stuffed bear and tucked it under her chin. It hadn't always been like this. "Bill! Please, I told you it wasn't like that. Please." "Shut the hell up! This is the last time you pull this shit, Lorie. Last time." Lily could picture the slap as she heard it.

Where was her brother? She wished he was here, pulling her into his chest and telling her everything would be alright. Too bad wishes didn't come true.

"THE! LAST! TIME!" There was a loud bang and one last scream from her mother, then everything went silent.

Lily shot up with a gasp, trying to register where she was. Sweat was dripping down her back and the sheets had been thrown on the floor. Shit. She thought the nightmares was over, but her heart was still pounding in her chest. It's not real, Lily. Not real. But it felt like it had just happened yesterday.

"Lily!!!" Dustin shouted from the other side of the house, making her jump. "I'm leaving! See you later!" "Uh, yeah, see you!" Lily glanced at the clock, 7:10.

"Shit. Shit, shit, shit! I'm gonna be late!"


Lily smoothed the last paper down and pinned it to the board, jumping as Jonathan appeared by her side.

"Did I scare you?" He asked with a chuckle. She shrugged; no way was she about to tell him the nightmares were back. "No, Byers. Any luck?"  He shook his head. That meant no one around town had seen Will lately. Lily frowned. Jonathan had stopped her as she was coming to school this morning and asked if she could help him hang a few posters, and obviously she would help. Will's face stared back at her from the poster, and she felt her heart clench. Why Will? He was the sweetest kid she knew, and he didn't deserve this. No one in Hawkins did.

"Hey." She heard Nancy say and finally turned back. She stood in front of Jonathan a small frown on her face. "Oh, hey." He said, turning from Lily to face her. She wished Nancy and Jonathan were as close as they used to be, maybe it wouldn't be so awkward.

"I just...I wanted to say, you know, um, I'm sorry about everything." Lily heard a snort from behind Nancy and leaned over to see Steve and his two friends watching, along with Barb.

"Everyone's thinking about you." Nancy continued, oblivious to her new boyfriend's jokes. Jonathan just stood there, probably thinking this was a joke or something, he knew how Steve was. "It sucks." No kidding, Lily thought. "Yeah." Jonathan nods. "I'm sure he's fine, he's a smart kid." He really was. The bell rings stopping Nancy from spewing more awkward apologies.

"I have to go. Chemistry test." "Yeah." "Good luck." She smiles this time, and glances at Lily. "See you later, Lily?" "Mhm." Lily says from her spot against the wall.

Nancy joined Steve once again with another look at Jonathan. At least she had spoken to him, that was more than usual.

"Attention faculty and students." The principals voice crackled over the PA system. "At 8pm tonight there will be an assembly held on the football field-"

Jonathan checked that the poster was secure once more before grabbing Lily's wrist and pulling her towards the door, if it was about Will, he didn't want to hear it.


            An unfamiliar rock song blared out of Jonathan's speakers as he sped down the road. Lily rubbed her pounding head but didn't ask him to turn it down, she knew he was trying to push every Will related thought of his mind. She didn't blame him.

The song changed to 'Should I Stay or Should I Go' and she heard Jonathan's hitch of breath. She did a mental facepalm, how could she have forgotten this was the song him and Will always listened to. With a glance at Jonathan, she could see he was reminiscing and didn't make a move to change it.

Her mind wandered back to last night and she wondered how things had gone with the girl Mike now housed. Hopefully Mrs. Wheeler handled everything, she was good at that.

Jonathan's car came to a stop outside a small house pulling her back to the present. She had been hesitant when he had asked her to ride with him to Lonnie's house, his asshole of a dad. But if anyone understood, it was Lily. Jonathan let out a breath before looking at Lily.

"Want to wait in then car?" She gave him a smile. "Of course." Jonathan nodded and got out, making his way inside. If Will was here, he was going to ring Lonnie's stupid neck. He'd had it coming for a while. After a thumbs up from Lily, he gave a sharp knock on the door.

"Hello?" he called after no answer but seeing the television flash through the window he pounded again. The door swung open finally to reveal a girl who looked to be only a few years older than him. Leave it to Lonnie and his disgusting habits.

"Can I help you?" She asked, raising her eyebrows. "Yeah, is Lonnie around?" The woman crossed her arms. "Yeah, he's out back. What do you want?" Jonathan pushed past her lightly. "To look around." "Hey! What do you think you're doing?!" She protested, slamming the door behind them. Lily frowned from the car, because obviously this was going wonderfully.

After a few minutes he came storming out of the house. No Will. "How'd it go?" Lily asked carefully as he slammed the car door. "Will's not here."

And there it was, the cold feeling in her body and her heart in her stomach. Something was seriously wrong, and they needed to find out what, immediately.

hi!!! if you're reading just know you're super cool and sexy! i love you and keep reading but lmk how you feel by voting and commenting!

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