I just wanna say your mine

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Anika walked into school with Jahlil and Jayquan , as they walked more into more people started to walk with them . They went into breakfast like they always did even though they already ate . They just went to conversate .

The table was filled up and loud . Everyone wanted to sit where Anika and Jahlil sat , so even when there wasn't space people tried to squeeze in or move tables closer .

"I love your shirt Anika " Rania said referring to Anika's peach floral shirt . She was dressed in a floral shirt with light jeans and peach flats with gold jewelry.

Anika didn't even understand why Rania was there . Last time she checked Rania didn't like her for no reason . That's just how the girls acted towards Anika . A lot of them liked her but there were also the ones who disliked her for no reason . Also the ones who wanted to be her friend but felt as they couldn't cause their friends didn't like Anika .

Anika was a bubbly person in school . She never bothered anyone but she knew how to defend herself of she needed to . She hated drama and conflict so she tried to keep herself out of those type of situations . She was at the top of the popularity list and top of her classes with her grades just like Jahlil .

"Uh thanks " Anika said hesitantly forcing a smile . She saw Malia walking in the cafeteria towards the filled up table with her breakfast tray . Anika moved her bookbag from the seat she saved for Malia and Malia sat down .

"Hey Nika " Malia said hugging Anika .

"Your hair looks so beautiful I did a great job " Malia said tooting her own horn . Everyone turned towards Anika and agreed .

"No she looks grown and should've asked me before she got it . " Jahlil said in a joking manner but kinda serious . Anika laughed and rolled her eyes . When she looked back towards her brother Jayquan was staring at her with his big beautiful hazel eyes . She smiled as he smiled back , she still felt him still admiring her when she looked away .

She looked up to see Jahlil giving him a serious look then she saw Jordan sit down . Everyone on the other side of the table moved down so Jordan could sit . Him and Jahlil dapped each other then Jordan smiled at Anika.

"Wassup Nika ? " He said taking off his bookbag and grabbing his phone .

"Hey Jordan ! " Rania semi-yelled to him before Anika could say anything .

"Hey Rania " Jordan said to her as all the girls admired him and Jahlil and his friends . "your hair looks nice straight Anika " Jordan said shifting his attention back to her .

"Thanks Jordan " Anika smiled while running her fingers through her hair .

"See I told you it looks nice Jahlil " Malia said to Anika's brother trying to find a reason to talk to him . Anika chuckled to herself . Malia has always like Jahlil but he always saw her as a little sister to him .

"Yeah it looks nice I was just playing " Jahlil said smiling at Malia which caused her light cheeks turn rosy red . All the other girls at the table rolled there eyes as they watched them . But I'm pretty sure Jahlil didn't like Malia .

The hall monitor walked over to their lunch table telling them to be quiet because they were the loudest table in the cafeteria .

"Come on we out . " Jahlil said causing everyone to throw away there trays and getting up .

"Anika I got work today so make sure you come through" Jahlil said to Anika while walking to the stairs while everyone followed .

"Okay you still going to do it ? " Anika said referring to him saving her a pair of sneakers that are coming out today .

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