The Ship: Part 2

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Tabi: Okay, now that Foxy is in an unknown location, we can now spread out the hints!

Bunny: I dont think we thought this through though

Tabi: What makes you say that?

Bunny: Well one, someone else could find the hints and two, everyone else except us two will be wondering where he is

Tabi: I doubt it, Freddy and Chica are out doing god knows what, Goldie is too high to function, which im gonne have to talk to him about doing that without me and Hanna and LG have the day off!

Bunny: it says on the schedule that they were supposed to have tonights shift

Bonnie: Hey have you guys seen Foxy? I have to give him his laptop charger back

Tabi and Bunny looked at one another and gleamed

Tabi: Why i havent seen that sly fox anywhere!

Bunny:(whispers to Tabi) Tone it down a bit

Tabi: Wherever ought thou Foxy?

Bunny: Okay now youre doing too much

Bonnie: What did you guys do?

Bunny: We didnt do anything, besides hes probably in his cove right now

Bonnie walkes over to Pirates Cove, only to be disappointed with an empty room.

Bonnie: Huh. He left a note on his bed

Bonnie, I have decided to run off. I cant handle this feeling that i have for you. Everytime im near you my heart skips a beat, and everytime i hear you, my ears flutter to the sound of your voice. If you wish to find me, ive left clues around the pizzeria if you want us to live a life without those deviants. I love you Bonnie, and i wish you the best of luck


Bonnie: I... i dont know how to react to this letter

Bunny pulls Tabitha to the side

Bunny: That letter was great, how did you know what to write?

Tabi: An author never reveals her secrets

Bunny: Dont call yourself an author if you cant update this book alone and have various of other stories that revolves around you in different universes but all end up with the same story line.

Tabi: I should kill you for that

Bonnie: I... i need to find him.

Tabi: Hey dude, no one is stopping you honestly.

Bonnie: but this is rather suspicious. I mean, he wouldnt leave a note explaining how he feels, and this is a dumbass reason to run away. THIS SMELLS LIKE SOMETHING THAT TABITHA WOULD DO!!!

Tabi: Dude, what a way to just jump to conclusions am i right? Women...

Bunny: She has nothing to do with this, honestly you never know too. Love can be crazy sometimes

Tabi/Bonnie: Tell me about it

Tabi: Anyways, are you gonna go look for him, or just stand there like an ear overgrowned hippo?

Bonnie: Fuck you and yes i will go and find him. I just gotta let the others know about him being g-

Bunny: I-i mean whats the whole point of telling them dude? Do you want to expose Foxy of his feelings for you, when hes willing to run away instead of telling you in person how he feels?

Tabi: Bunny has a point, its best not to tell the others about why he disappeared. If he's embarrassed about it, why would you tell others if he only, and mainly trusts you bro?

Bonnie stood there, glaring at the two with suspicion before letting out a sigh.

Bonnie: You have a point. I can't believe im gonna do this but... Can you guys help me find these hints?

The two girls looked at one another before smiling, facing Bonnie.

Tabi/Bunny: Of course well help!

And so, the two girls and the robot began their journey in the search for Foxy!

Tabi: Did i not tell you to stop doing that?

Chica: I do as i please!

Tabi: /sighs/ alright fine, but im allowing it because its the season and i wanna feel nice.

Chica: Thanks! OOH OOH CAN I DO THE OUTRO!?!

Tabi: Dont push i-


Tabi: wait, how did u know i used fo say p-

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