Hit It from the Backrooms- Part 1

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"So tell me from the start, as to how it happened?".

I sat there quietly, my hands sweating profusely while my legged bounced. "Thats the funny thing about that question; You believe that hopefully someone will understand how it happened, but yet, you yourself aren't sure if its believable, as thought it were a mirage or a dream that it actually happened.". The doctor stared at me for a while before letting out a sigh. "I understand, but you need to understand that we need to help you get through this. We need to help you heal your brain. So please explain... what happened?".

I gulped, hesitating at first, took a deep breath and began.

"It all started about a week ago—-"


Tabi: Hanna, did you see the new game mod on minecraft about the backrooms?

Hanna: I mean yeah, but how is it scary if its in minecraft?

Tabi: I have a weak heart

Hanna:-sigh- anyway, Chica complained earlier about the portal, saying that flies keep coming out from there, can you go an check it out?

Tabi: What, why me?

Hanna: Because youre the one that fucking BROUGHT IT and YOURE the only ONE who knows how to FIX.....IT

Bunny: Period boo 👻😜🥳🤩😎🤓🤓😅🥹🏳️‍🌈🥳🤩🥹👻🐻😭😂😂😅

Hanna: Bunnypop for not only saying that but also forcing Tabitha to inject that many emojis onto your line, youre going with her to fix it

Bunny: geez, who the fucked pissed on your cerial this morning

Tabi: Im not saying i did that, but its something completely  different

Tabitha and Bunny rushed over to the back storage before Hanna hits them

Tabi: Huh, its not the portal, someone must've ate close to it and didnt pick up after themselves

Bunny: wait do you hear that?

The two stood there quietly only to hear a low hum

Tabi: hmm, maybe the flies affected the frequency. Ill fix it and get rid of the flies, you can go on and tell Hanna that we found the problem

Bunnypop runs off to tell Hanna the news while Tabitha worked on the portal

~~ 3 hours later ~~

Freddy: (walks in) Hey, there you are! Why the fuck cant i find anyone?

Tabi: Maybe because your unbearable to be around...no pun intended

Freddy: So you're telling youve been here this whole time, dont know where anyone is and dont even bother to check on us?

Tabi: First of all fuck face, ive been here for 3 fucking hours trying to fix the damn portal because of the shit ass of a pizza you guys make is a fucking magnet for flies, and second, the sheer fact that you guys always know that im always up to know good and will be willing to take you guys with me by force, but as soon as im quiet for even a fucking MINUTE im the bad guy?

Freddy: Youve always been the bad guy

Tabi:-sighs- Well fuck you, im tired and imma go home

Tabitha opens the door, followed by Freddy as the two fell into complete darkness,along with their conscious.

Tabitha wakes up with a gasp, clinging onto her chest as she squints from the sudden light.

Tabi: Fuck that hurt like a bitch

She slowly stood up, opening her eyes and gasped at the ground. There wasnt a pool of blood and not any of her bones broken from the sudden drop. Only a low hum trailed into her mind as she slowly looks up to see-

Tabi: Im in the Backrooms.

She stood there for a while, breathing as though she ran a marathon, looking around drastically to the never ending color of damp yellow.

Tabi: Freddy??!!


Tabi: Freddy where are you??!! Oh shit, oh fuck okay Tab, calm down, youve watched gameplay, you know how the entities work, the levels, you will be okay... Freddy on the other hand is fucked

Tabitha began her journey through the never ending maze of disassociated walls and dark corners. She found a jar of almond water and decided to keep incase if anything chases her.

An hour pass, as she stopped walking and sat against the wall, ignoring the damp carpet.

Tabi: Fuck ive been walking forever. Where is that ladder??

She sat there as she examined the almond water but went still. She can hear a fleet of footsteps from a distance along with a roar. She quickly stood up and began to run, her breathing getting harder and harder to catch as she made sharp turns through the adjacent corridors.

She looked behind her to get a glimpse as to how close the entity was only to see

Freddy: TABITHA!!!!

Tabi: FREDDY!!!

Freddy: RUN!!!

The entity finally revealed itself as Freddy ran towards her. She quickly turned and began to run, Freddy eventually catching up amd grabbed her hand to run faster.


Without question, Freddy pushed Tabitha up the ladder and quickly followed before being submerged underwater.

He quickly began to swim up until finally surfacing. Tabitha grabbed Freddy and dragged him onto the tiled floor, water spewing out of both their mouths.

Freddy: What -coughs- was THAT

Tabi: -coughs and chokes- An entity.... were in the pool room

Freddy takes a look around the area.

Walls made out of the same tiling on the floor, spiral staircases that leads to no where but falls of water, well the whole area had pools of water.

Tabi: This is a safe level, so nothing will be chasing us.

Freddy: Are you sure? You seem to know alot about this?

Tabi: Well dont grow suspicious of me yet. I didnt have anything to do with this and i read

Freddy: You can read??

Freddy received a slap upside the head.

Tabi: Come on, i have a feeling that the others are here

Freddy: How are you so sure about that?

Tabi: I just have a hunch


"Im sorry but im afraid i have to end our session here" the doctor said whilst standing up. I stood up and shook his hand. "When will we meet up again?"

He looked at me with a grim look before shaking his head. "Youll know when, like when Tabitha will update this book".

"Im sorry who?".

"Dont worry about it, but for now, we must part ways and until we meet again.".

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