The Ship: Finale

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Bonnie, Bunnypop and Tabitha began their quest to not only finding the notes but the search for Foxy, who "just confessed his feelings to Bonnie". LETS GET BACK TO WHERE WE LEFT OFF!!!!

Tabi: I fucking give up

Bunny: Dude the chapter just started

Bonnie: And not only that, you havent even tried looking! Youve been standing there scrolling through Shein for clothes!

Tabi: Hey a girls gotta take care of priority first!

Bonnie: Well excuse me for interrupting your search for your horrible taste of fashion but we have a missing persons case in our hands!

Tabi:Hey you guys have been missing since the fucking 1980s and might i just say, yall are nothing but a cold case

Bonnie: A cold case is what youre about to be if you dont SHUT THE FUCK UP AND HELP US!!!!!!!


Bunny: ENOUGH!!! This isnt leading us to anything for the search on Foxy.

Tabi and Bonnie glared at eachother like little kids.

Tabi: Fine ill continue this search. BUT ONLY if Bonnie-

Bonnie:im not fucking apologizing

Tabi: I dont want your loose pussy lipped apology, i want you to give me $300 so i can buy clothes off Shein!

Bonnie: 200

Tabi: Make it lower and ill fucking kill you, you piece of purple shit. Bih built like a cappage patch kid.

Bonnie: FINE fine, but ill pay you once we find Foxy.

Tabi: Good enough. Let us continue this search.

Bunny: About time

The three searched around both inside and out of the pizzeria, note after note whether bringing them closer or farther from revealing Foxys whereabouts.

Finally, they found the final note~~~~~

Bonnie: "Go back to the start on where we first met, where we finally took our last breath. I held your hand for you were scared, but a kiss wouldve been better for our taled ." Foxy sucks ass at rhyming, and hes a fucking pirate

Bunny(to Tabi): Wtf was that?

Tabi: Do i look like motherfucking Eminem to you bitch? Got me fucked up if u really think imma be able to think of words that rhyme.

Bonnie: Where we first met? Hmmm... i dont really remember if we had a childhood together.

Tabi(looking at wikifandom): Says over here you died at parts and service with him and you guys never met up until that faithful day.

Bonnie: Come on lets go to Parts and Service

Bunny: Honestly i feel like we shouldve went there first

Tabi: Wheres your sense of adventure!

Bunny: Fuck off and lets go

The trio walk into Parts and Service but no Foxy.

Bunny(to Tabi): Dude, wheres Foxy?

Tabi: Look up

Bonnie: Wheres Foxy??!! I...i was sure i would find him here!

Bunny: Then we shouldve looked here first

Bonnie gets down on his knees and began to cry in his hands.

Tabi: Uuhhh this.. this isnt part of the script...

Bonnie: I...i need him, hes always been there for me! HOW COULD I BE THIS DENSE TO NOT KNOW-

Bunny: I think we should tell him

Tabi: Agreed. Hey Bon-

Bonnie: TO NOT KNOW that you guys were this fucking stupid

Tabi/Bunny: Purple dinosaur said what?

Bonnie: Im not fucking stupid, its like you guys think i am

Tabi: Its because you are.

Tabitha pressed a button only for Foxy to be freed, but landed on Bonnie

Tabi: If you knew about it and you knew where Foxy was, you wouldve known that he was one-right above you and two-you were standing where we wouldve landed

Bunny:...... Dude theyre not moving

Tabi:.... Eh im sure theyre fine. Wanna use Bonnies credit card and order clothes off shein and get mcdonalds on Uber Eats?

Bunny: We should get the 40 McNuggets and a mountain of fries

Tabi: True true

And so the pair walked off with Bonnies Credit Card to max out on food and clothes, while the two animatronics were happily unconscious together forever until the next chapter.

Chica: This... was a bunch of shit

Tabi: Do u want to eat with us?

Chica: I cant eat my own kind but ill happily join you guys on the French Fries.


Sorry for the long hiatus, ive been MAD BUSY with school and work. Sooo..gow was everyone's thanksgiving? And my birthday? Oh yeah im now 21 so im fully legally legal my guys!

N E Ways, ill see you guys in the next update! Adiós 👋

The Adventures Of Le FNAFNERDS (Aww SHit, HerE we Go Again)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora