Whose Voice? (HxR + teen drama)

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I finally came up with a good reason for Herobrine's mind reading powers --in story-- that isn't meant to just fleX or weird the reader out a little bit! Yahoo!

That being said... Pls.. I based a lot of this Y/n's personality off of what I would most likely be like if I made it to highschool, so plz no judging.. 🙏)

(Since I couldn't really fit into the story, Herobrine uses a cloaking thing to make his eyes look normal: dark brown colour.)



Herobrine's POV - age 17 | Junior

To say I had a bit of an advantage over my peers was an understatement. As someone who can literally bend reality around them as if reality itself were fake, I would just be a pathetic little brat to dare gripe about my "hard life." After all, who wouldn't want my powers?!

Problem is, they can be a bit of a hassle. Case in point: because of them, I have to constantly switch between schools every year to avoid anyone finding out...meaning I have no friends. Secondly, uhh...

Let's single out one power to help you understand. My telepathy! Yes, it can be cool to know someone's true intentions. Has helped me many times before, buuut-

As I was walking down the hall of my new school, my mind was flooded with everyone else's thoughts. I was but a sponge, taking it all in. Worst of all, the way I read minds was never the way you would expect. I couldn't connect an inner voice to a face. They are all so indistinguishable; often hard to even tell feminine from masculine! I huffed as I sorted through everyone's thoughts, grunting at the realization that I would have to start the process all over again..

What process?

'Oh my gosh, his locker is right next to mine! Eeee!' I focused on one inner voice. It sounded feminine, so I looked for the girl in question. Sure enough, I saw a little freshman student cautiously walking up to the lockers, a pile of books grasped in her hands. A young boy stood sorting things into his locker, I assumed which was right next to hers. I slowed down some to be sure. I waited for her to speak. 'Garret was always the cute one in Middle School!' "Oh, Garret!" Perfect. Immediately, I severed the connection between my mind and hers. One down... Only about 200 left to go... Thankfully, it was a remotely small school.

I did this all the way down the hall. It usually wasn't too terribly hard, but I often found myself annoyed with the common pattern I found. Fakers. Those who think one thing and say something completely different! I couldn't even with the thickest book write the names of all of those who put on a good face but were rotten to the core. Heck, even those on the other end still annoyed me: those who act all tough but inside are some of the sweetest people. I know many people think it's cute, but for me... It's just a lot more to handle. Like I'm talking to two different people at once.. For that, I often just...didn't care for socializing...

Listen, I was just here for the menial grades, anti depressant addiction, and to get indoctrinated into about 50 different social justice cults... I had no time for the bright things in life like friends and quality meals..

My first class was upstairs and my second one back downstairs. Why? Because us gamers never get any proper exercise anyways! I was skinny for my age range; could never stomach more than a few grapes and a can of soda a meal. For that, I, sadly, was one of those forced to suffer the stairs. First class was math... Alright. I was good enough at it and impressed the teacher a couple times. I was always the one to raise my hand first but always give the teacher the same dead, unenthusiastic stare which always made him question his decisions in life... I never severed the link between my mind and the teachers'... Better grades. Besides, one would need a handbook just to predict what's actually on their mind without! In math class, I was able to sever about 15 links, since you can always tell who's thinking what just by looking at their faces...especially during a first day pop quiz... wooo...

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