The New Guy

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I don't know why I told him

So, I'm a 48 yr old bi male, I work in a maintenance shop in a factory. I generally work the back shift alone unless there is a new hire in the shop, then I become the trainer.

So, a couple weeks ago, I got a newbie to the shop. He's probably in his early 30's. He'll be with me for 8 to 10 weeks for training. Last night he was talking about a gay cousin and a gay friend. I'm not super out and being bi is something I still find a little uncomfortable at times.

Last night he was making some jokes about these two (nothing homophobic) and telling some funny stories about things they've said or done. In a random rather uncomfortable moment I told him I was bi. IDK why I did it, other than just being uncomfortable. It's not something I normally talk about with people I don't trust. Fortunately (at the time) he brushed it off like he didn't hear me. He had no reaction or comment.

He's not a bad looking guy, shaved head, trimmed beard and probably about 180 lbs. He definitely carries a bad boy vibe.

Tonight, he brought it up. "So, to take it or give it?" He asked.

I was immediately back to uncomfortable and developed diarrhea of the mouth. "It depends on what I'm taking or what I'm giving!" (Full disclosure, I'm a bottom)

"Do you fuck dudes, or get fucked?" he dug deeper.

"Uh, I take it in that scenario." I kind of stuttered my words.

"So do you suck dick?" he asked.

"Among other things, yeah." I answered again, very sheepishly.

"Do you wanna suck my dick?" he wouldn't leave this alone.

I'm sure I was showing all of my discomfort by this point. "Just because a guy is attracted to other guys doesn't mean he wants to suck every guy's dick dude!" I kind of snapped, hoping he would get off this topic.

Yeah, if he was a random guy from double list and we connected, I'd totally suck his dick, but we are at work.

"Come on, ya know you want this in your mouth!" this dude just won't let up. And in the spirit of honesty, I'm imagining being on my knees in front of him by this point.

"We're at work bro! Not gonna happen!" I replied.

"Oh, so you do want to suck my dick, just not at work." he quickly replied.

Dammit! He totally won't stop. I'm getting turned on and trying to hide it. My mind is searching for secluded places where I could service him. I think of the perfect spot. An empty dark office of a day shifter and I happen to have a key. It's the office that all of our office supplies are stored and I'm sporting a raging hard on now, thinking through all of this.

"Well?" he asks insistently.

"Yeah dude, in another time, another place I'd probably blow ya!" The discomfort is gone, all I feel is need.

He kept pushing. Now, this has only been a 20 minute or so conversation, however to me it feels like hours. The temptation has gotten the better of me. My lower head has taken control. I look up at the clock and see it's a little after 1 am. I know there will be nobody coming through the shop until at least 5 am.

"You want your dick sucked?" I ask with my heart racing and my mouth watering. "Follow me!" I finish as I stand up from my chair.

I get up and head out of my office. As I turn left just outside of the door, I see him stand too.

He follows me to the next office over and waited patiently as I nervously fumble with my keys, trying to unlock the door. Once the door is open he follows me inside and shuts the door. The light stays off, but there's a window so light from the shop gives off enough light to see.

We face each other. It's like he is contemplating whether or not he's going to go through with it. The 10 or 20 seconds that pass feels like an hour to me. Then he pulled his tucked shirt out of his pants and loosens his belt. Before I know it, he's standing there with his jeans down to his ankles and his shirt pulled up to his chest.

His mostly soft dick is steady hardening as I look on almost breathlessly. "This is happening, right here, right now" I think to myself as I drop to my knees.

I put my hand around his easily 8 inch cock and just before I take him in, I look up to see his grin of satisfaction. I can smell his alluring musty sweat from the few hours we've already been working and some kind of spicy body wash.

I open my mouth and take most of his length in on the first stroke. His cock is hard as steel and straight as an arrow. It hits the back of my throat quickly. I pull back out and reposition myself for the next stroke in. I want to take him deeper this time.

I bury my face into his belly as I deep throat his straight cock and hold it there for a second before continuing to suck him off.

I'm super nervous so, as much as I am feeling like a rock... ah, a cock star, I want this to end quickly so we don't get caught.

I bob back and forth on his shaft while I follow my lips with my hand, giving a twist with each stroke. He is standing above me moaning his approval of my skills.

It only takes a few minutes before he lets me know he's going to cum and he wants me to eat it. As a side note, I was going to eat it anyway, but I let him think it was his idea. I hum an "ok" on his cock.

As I feel his first shot explode from the head of his cut dick, his knees buckle a little. I remove my hand and bury my face down into his belly again as he unloads more of his seed into my throat.

He growls "Holy shit!" And "Oh fuck!" As he feeds me his protein.

I let the next couple volleys shoot straight into my stomach before I start milking his nuts dry. I am in the zone so I continue sucking until he tells me it's too ticklish and stops me.

As he tucks his t shirt back into his pants and fastens his belt he says "Damn dude, that was fucking awesome!"

I make sure the office chair is where it's supposed to be and we leave that office and go back to my office. So far, for the last couple hours, he has been glassy eyed and smiling but hasn't talked about it.

Needless to say, from my side... I like my job just a little better now.

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