Owned By The Law

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I was awakened at four-thirty in the morning by my crazy ex-girlfriend coming through my bedroom door. Angrily, I jumped out of my bed and forced her back out of my room and out the front door. Slamming it shut, I locked it behind her, I noticed a white car in the road by my mailbox. I never thought she had a key to my house. I never lock my doors. As I crawled back into bed, trying to calm myself and my breathing down, I heard the front door open again.

Before I could get out of bed and to my bedroom door, she was barging back into my room. Noticing the key in her hand, I instinctively ripped the key from her grip. She immediately started screaming "You broke my finger, I'm calling the cops! You did it this time! You're going to jail!" as I pushed her back through my house to the front door. This time I noticed a man sitting in the driver's seat of the car.

Slamming the door shut again, and locking it...again, I shouted "Call the fucking cops! You will be the one going to jail for trespassing!"

I made my way back to my bedroom, this time even more pissed than I was the first time. I could hear the two of them taking through the walls. She was telling him what had transpired while she was inside and how I "twisted the key" out of her hand and had "broken her finger".

What happened next:
Suddenly there was a knock at the door. Assuming it was her again, likely toting the man she was with, I grabbed the handgun out of my headboard and made my way to the front door. I breathed heavy, shallow breaths and could feel my heart racing, I was ready for a confrontation. I held the gun down at my side and opened the door.

Immediately, I heard yelling and was staring down the barrel of two Glocks being held by two very unhappy local sheriff's deputies.

The smaller female deputy was screaming "Put the gun down!", while the male deputy was yelling to keep my hands in the air at the same time. I was scared to death. When I found myself unable to follow their barrage of instructions. I heard myself yelling back at them that I was scared and I didn't know what to do.

After a few very tense seconds, which felt like minutes to me, they settled on "Put the gun down, now!" I quickly but carefully followed their unified command.

I slowly placed the gun down on a bench by my front door and was immediately tackled to the floor by the unsuspecting strong female. After I was subdued and cuffed, I was yanked up by the cuffs and thrown against the wall by that female deputy. My shoulders burned fire through my body.

Her partner patted me down, a little too intimately in the crotch and ass as he looked for other weapons. I was then dragged out into the front yard for all the neighbors to see my humiliation, although I didn't mind so much. It sure as hell beat the alternative. I was scared out of my mind and just I knew I was going to jail now. That still beat the alternative!

"What the Hell were you thinking pulling a gun on cops?" the lady cop snapped, her pretty face scowling in rage.

I told her that I was not expecting cops to be on the other side of the door, that I expected it to be her, pointing to my ex and the guy that was with her and the male cop! "I've already thrown her out twice this morning!"

They questioned me and I relayed the details from earlier that morning. They asked some follow-up questions and I openly answered them. The brawny male cop wanted to know if I was intoxicated, were there any drugs or other guns in the house. "No" was my answer to the first two questions, but yes there are other guns inside.

It was at this point that things started to calm down. The male cop dropped the tailgate of my truck and allowed me to sit down while they interrogated me longer, trying to get to the bottom of why they were there.

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