O. Kokichi

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What are they generally like? Lucid, aware? Obsessive? How do they behave?

Kokichi is a very lucid yandere. He knows exactly what he's doing at all rimes and he's very analytical, not ever acting without taking everything into account. He knows exactly what he's doing in wring, and this is not how healthy relationships are supposed to be like, but since when did Kokichi ever care about that? Along with that he is an obsessive type, he wants to know you all the way down to your deepest depths. Every secret, every flaw, every single piece of information he can get his grubby little hands on. Lastly he is also the controlling type, that much should be obvious. He needs to have complete control over you, being his darling and all he wouldn't have it any other way. He enjoys having the complete ownership and dominance to where he can get you to do whatever he says.


How difficult is it to escape from them?

Definitely one of the more difficult yanderes to escape from for a few reasons, if he even has the slightest suspicion that you're planning to escape he will never let you get the chance. Constant surveillance and supervision. You'll be lucky if you can go to the bathroom alone. He will also remind you every chance of the sever consequences especially for something like that. If after all that you actually have the balls to pull off a stunt like that, just be prepared for what happens if you don't succeed.


How do they keep you restrained? How do they deal with attempted escape?

He at first would keep you completely tied up, just a precaution to see how you react to the new-found situation but over time if you slowly start to adapt more and more he will downgrade the ropes to something like a chain around the ankle. He makes it clear that escape attempts are the worst thing you could do and explain that there will be reprimands as explained previously, so these kinds of punishments will be the harshest.


How easy are they to trick, deceive or manipulate?

This is Kokichi we're talking about so honestly don't even try. He already knows every trick in the book. Anything you try to use on him, he's done it ten times already. In the very off chance you find some tactic that has actually proven to be effective against him, first off good luck figuring this out, and second off he'll find out eventually and the fact that you were able to trick him will make him take every precaution way more seriously after realizing he's underestimated you, taking every measure he can think of.


How lenient are they? What privileges can you have, and what will you be denied?

He becomes more lenient with time but keep in mind it won't be too relaxed. At first, you barely have any privileges because obviously they ate earned. You have to prove he can trust you enough, which will be pretty tough. Having to convince him to let you be alone unrestricted. Especially convincing him to let you go outside with him, it would take a LOT of convincing. I don't think he would ever let you outside without you by his side no matter how much trust you two might have, who knows what could happen. Not even mentioning his trust issues, he always has a voice in the back of his head that you'll try to leave him, especially if you've had many escape attempts in the past, even of you swear you won't again.

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