M.M. First Time Meeting

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I walked out of my room and my brother Mike stopped me and said, "Where are you going?" I looked at him and said, "Why do you care?" he looked at me and rolled his eyes "Because I'm your brother and I deserve to know where you're going" he said "isn't your little party supposed to be in are basement right now?" I said, "No we changed plans were going to the arcade later" he said "Grate so you'll know where I'll be" I said walking away from him

I arrived at the arcade and walked over to dig dug to see a nother girl playing it. She had orange hair and blue eyes and was wearing a red jacked with white stripes going down the sides and a white shirt under it with blue jeans and red convers. I didn't relise I was staring until she said, "Take a photo it will last longer" it brought me back to the world "Sorry, I didn't mean to, I'm Y/n" I said holding my hand out for her to shake it "I'm Maxine but everyone calls me Max" she said shaking my hand.

I looked at the screen of dig dug and saw that she beat my brother's score "Mad Max?" I spoke she looked at me then the game "It's a nick name my dad gave me" she said, "Dam my brother is going to kill you" I said laughing "Why is that?" she said "You beat his high score on dig dug" I said "I did?" she said and looked at the screen and back at me "Guess I did" she said witch got both of us to laugh I looked at the clock and nearly shit myself "Shit sorry I got to go my mom is going to kill me if I'm not back in time for dinner" I said

"Hey maybe I could ride with you home I got nothing better to do" she said "I don't know can you keep up?" I spoke "You tell me" she said and with that we were both out the door and riding are skateboards to my house. As we rode, we talked with each other and made some jokes on the way once we got to the front of my house "I had a good time today Max I said, "for the first day being here I did to" she said, "No wonder I've never seen you around" I said connecting the dots "Wow you just noticed that" she said laughing

"Well yeah I did" I said, "I'll see you tomorrow?" she said "Yeah, I'll see you tomorrow" I said, and she skated away "BY MAX" I yelled waving at her "BYE Y/N" she said asking away. I knew that since that day I was in love with Max Mayfeild 

(496 words)

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