M.M. Confession

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(647 words)


I sat in my room looking at the celling on a boring Friday after noon board out of my mind till my walkie-talkie went off 

'Max, do you copy over' Y/n said 

I smiled at the sound of Y/n voice and reached over to it 

'I copy over' I said

'Do you want to hang out? over' Y/n said 

'Sure, where are you over' I said 

'My house so I'll see you in 20? over' Y/n said 

'Yeah, see you soon over and out' I said getting out of bed

I put my shoes on and grabbed my coat and my skateboard and skated to Y/n house. I knocked on the front door and my heart was racing, and Y/n opened the door and she hugged me "Heyy" she said "heyy" I said hugging her back "come on let's go to my room" she said dragging me to her room. I followed her and we got to her room I took off my shoes and leaned my skateboard on the floor and sat on her bed


I decided to tell Max that I liked her, I invited her over and I had a gift for her "Max, I wanted you to come over because we need to talk" I said "talk about what?" she asked "I don't know how to say this but ever since I met you I have been in love with you, ever since we met I've never been able to get you out of my head and I hate the way Lucas looks at you because I know you probably like him and not me so it's fine if you don't feel the same way" I said "You like me?" she said "Yeah I do" I said. she got up from my bed and walked over to me "Do you know how long I've been waiting for you to say that" she said grabbing my hands 

"No, I don't but I know I've been trying to say if for 3 months" I said holding on to her hands "Can I stay over?" she said "Yeah of corse you can" I said pulling her into a hug. I just then I Rember I had stuff for her "oh I got you something" I said letting go of the hug and over to my closet. I reached for the box and brought it to her. I sat next to her on my bed and handed her the box "What is it?" she said, "Open it dummy" I said she opens the box and see's 3 new comic books "Thies for me?" she said "Yeah I know you don't have any newer ones, so I got you new ones" I said smiling at her. She tackled me into a hug and said, "Thank you, thank you, thank you" she said "Your welcome" I said hugging her back 


It was dark now and I stud up from my bed and looked at Max who was reading one of the comic books I gave her and said, "So what should we do now it's kind of late" I said just then Max yawned "I don't know you want to go to bed?" she said "Yeah that sounds good" I said yawning. I lied down on my bed and Max got off the floor and cuddled into my side and rested her head on my chest. I put my arm over her, and she wrapped her arms around my neck. We fell asleep like that, and I woke up first in the morning. I started to play with her hair, and she began to wake up "Good morning beautiful" I said "morning" she said with sleep in her voice 

"Do you want to get up?" I asked "Nooooo" she said burring her face into my chest "Ok 5 more minutes" I said and continued to play with her hair

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