Shot S.S.

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I have been sick and I needed to get a shot for it. Great but the only thing I don't like needles. My doctor gave them to me to bring home and I have to take one every other day. Today was the first day and Sadie was trying to give it to me

"Y/n get back here" Sadie yelled "no" I said running to the bedroom "y/n you need this, if you do it now you won't have to do it later" she said with a sound of sternest in her voice "baby please" I pleaded behind the bedroom door "babe come on" she said

I stood up and opened the door, Sadie walked towards me and hugged me. I buried my face into her chest "I know you don't like them but you also don't want to be sick do you?" She asked "no" I mumbled "come on my love" she said dragging me to our bathroom

Once in the bathroom she sat me on the counter and held my hands "this is only gonna hurt a little bit ok" she said. I looked away from her and she pulled my face to look at her. She smiled and I did to, she pulled me into a kiss.

As she pulled me into a kiss she gave me the shot. We pulled away soon and she started laughing "what?" I asked "I gave you the shot while we kissed. She said and grabbed a bandaid "really?" I questioned "yep" she said putting the bandage on my arm "it didn't hurt that bad" I said

"See I told you there was nothing to worry about" she said kissing me. I kissed her back and then pulled away "movie?" I asked "definitely" she said

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