M.M. First Time Meeting p.t 2

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I was sitting in the back of science when someone walked into class. It was Max as she walked in, she made eye contact with me, and Mr. Clark introduced her to the class "You can sit next to Y/n, Y/n raise your hand" you raised your hand even though she knew who you were. As she was walking to her seat you noticed that my brother and his friends watched as she walked next to me and gave me a high five and sat down. During the lesson a piece of paper was thrown on my desk. I opened it and it said, 'Arcade later?' under it you wrote sure and gave it back

After a little bit the bell rang for the end of class Max and I walked out and she asked me where her next class was, and I pointed down the hall "third door to the left" I said "I have to go to gym, so I'll see you later?" I said smiling "Yeah bye Y/n" she said, "Bye Max" I said walking to my locker "What the hell Y/n?" Mike said "What?" I said putting my stuff in my locker "How are you friends with Max already?" he say's confused "Rember when I went to the arcade yesterday?" I said, "Yeah why" he said "God you're so oblivious, I meet her there yesterday genius" I said closing my locker

"Wait so you're telling me that your best friends with her now?" Mike said "Yes, sometimes that's how it works" I said walking away from them "What about us?" Mike said fallowing me "What about you guys? You always left me out, so I was all alone and now that I have one friend you want to act like we've all been friends for years" I said standing outside of my next class "You know what Y/n, this is why we didn't want you to be a part of our party because you always blame us" he said "Whatever Mike" I said walking into the locker room

Time Skip

at the end of the day, I saw Max skating around on a small patch of concrete and I skated up to her "Hey, Max" I said "Y/n" she said with a smile. I picked up my board and she grabbed my arm and whispered to me "Follow me and act like were going somewhere" I nodded, and she let go of me and we walked up some stairs and she through a paper in the garbage can and we walked into the building and walked out the other end "So that Mike kid he's you brother right?" she said "Yeah he is, I assume that you've also seen his creepy friends?" said with my head down "Why else do you think I through a piece of paper in that garbage can? they were watching us and you should have seen their faces when you came up to me is was hilarious" We both started to laugh.

I went home thinking about Max witch almost got me killed for not paying attention to the road. Her face was stuck in my head, and I couldn't get her out. I think I'm in love with her, I've known her for 2 days it feels to soon, does she even like me that way?

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