M.M. Cheat? (Requested)

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I'm dating Lucas as of now he has been distant and when were together he ignores me, so I've been hanging out with Will's twin sister. I flop down on my bed after hanging out with Y/n all and then get a call. I get out of bed and walked over to the phone and answer is "Hello?" I ask "Max?" Lucas said on the other line "Lucas?" I said "Max, look I love you and I want to be with you, can we try again?" he asked. I hesitated for a minute "Yeah" I said "Really" he said "Thats grate Max I have to go bye" he said then the line went silent, and I put the phone up.

I was getting ready to go to and the phone rang again "Hello?" I said "Maxx" Y/n said through the phone "Y/n/n" I said, "What are you doing tomorrow" she said "Nothing, what about you" I said "Well, I was wondering if you wanted to go to the mall and have a sleepover?" she said "Yeah sounds like fun I'll be there 11 o'clock?" I said, "Sounds grate I'll see you tomorrow" she said, "goodnight have a good sleep" I said "Goodnight, Y/n you have a good sleep too" I said "byeee" she said dragging out the end. I went over to my bed and went to sleep excited for tomorrow


I hung up the phone and flopped on my bed "Y/n, Will, Johnathan dinner is ready" My mom yelled. I got off my bed walked into the kitchen. we sat down and Will and Mom started talking "What about you Y/n, do you have any plans this weekend?" my mom asked, "Not really probably hanging out with Max" I said, "Oh good" she said "Speaking of can Max and I have a sleep over?" I asked "Sure" she said. We all talked for the rest of dinner then we wall went to bed.


I woke up and started getting ready for the day. I took a shower and brushed my teeth and walked into the kitchen and Johnathan was cooking "Moring Y/n/n" he said with a smile "Morning Johnathan" I said "Hey you don't think you could give me a ride to the mall soon do yeah?" I asked, "Sure I can what time do you need to be there?" he asked "11" I said, "What about eleven" Will said walking in. Johnathan and I started laughing "What's so funny" he asked, "I was asking him to bring me to the mall at 11 o'clock" I said "Makes more sense" he said

Once we were done eating Will and I went out to fort Byers and were drawing "Rember when we were kids and we did this all the time" I said, "Yeah that was fun" he said "What are you drawing?" I asked "You" and he flipped his paper to show me "It's good but what's with the hair?" I asked, "what do you mean" he asked sounding offended "I do not have a bowl cut" I said "Y/n I know my hair is bad deal with it" he said "Will do you copy over" the walkie talkie said. he reached for it and opened it "Yes, I copy over" he said "Mike's house 11 o'clock over and out" Dustin said

"What could be so important this time, a new girl on the block that's so cute?" I said, "Most likely" he said laughing. we continued to talk then Johnathan came in "Knock, knock it's almost 11 o'clock" he said Will and I got up and walked back to the house "Johnathan can we give Will a ride to Mike's house?" I asked, "I was going to ask that" Will said "Sure we can" we were walking to the car and will, and I yelled "I call front seat" at the same time "How about Will gets front seat on the way to Mike's and you get front seat on the way to the mall" he said

We drove to Mike's house and dropped him off and I got into the front seat. As we were driving Johnathan turned down the music "You should really tell Max Y/n" he said, "Yeah I know but Lucas" I said, "What about Lucas?" he asked "Him and Max are on and off all the time, so I don't know if they're dating or not and it's confusing, but when were they are together he completely ignores her and he's all ways distant from her" I said finishing my rant "Then now would be a good time to talk to her about it then" he said "But Lucas and what if she isn't into girl's and hell if she is then she's probably not into me" I said "Look Nancy told me that she has herd Lucas over there and the last time he was over he said they were broken up so I think now is the best time to talk to her before she fall's completely in love with Lucas" he said pulling up to the mall

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