New kid part 4 (Final)

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My dad ended up finding out about Max and I. He started to hit me more and the bruises started to show no matter what I did to cover them up.

I walked into the hallway with Max and the rest. Max and I walked off to my locker "So y/n I was thinking movie on Friday?" Max asked "yeah that sounds grate" she said leaning to kiss me on the cheek

As Max pulled away Mr. Clark walked up to us "hey girls" he said "good morning Mr. Clark" I said "good morning um...Y/n the counselor wants to talk with you can you come with me" he I looked at Max with a confused look and she shrugged "I'll see you later then bye" she said "bye love you" I said "love you too" she said walking away

"Teen age love always grate to see" Mr. Clark said I closed my locker and walked with him to the counselors office. We walked into the office and I took a seat "good morning y/n" the counselor said "good morning" I said "so I wanted to ask you if everything was alright at home?" He said "yeah why?" I asked lying "well we have reason to believe that you are being abused at home" he said

I started tapping my foot on the floor and he continued "so Mr. Clark is willing to let you stay at his home tonight if you need" he said "no" I said "no to what? being abused or staying at Mr. Clark's" he said "if he finds out that other people know he's going to flip and make us move again" I said with tears threatening to leave my eyes "so you are being abused?" He asked "no" I said wiping away the tears "so why have your friends and teachers come to me about you" he said

"Has Max came by?" I asked "I can't say" he said "if there my friends then I should be able to know right, so who came in here to talk to you" I said "it was only Max and Mr. Clark" he said "what about Lucas, Mike and Dustin did any of them come?" I asked "no" he said looking down at his desk

"Can I go to class" I asked "you want to go back to class right now" he said "yes" I said "ok but y/n please come talk to me if you need" he said "yeah I will" I said walking out then the tears fell from my eyes. Once I walked out the counselors office Max was sitting waiting for me, I walked past her not noticing her "y/n" she said

I turned around to face her and was crying and walked up to me and hugged me. I hugged her back braking down she walked us to the bathroom and we stayed in there for a little bit until I calmed down "are you ok?" She asked "you talked to the counselor about me?" I said "yes because I didn't know what todo" she said "I'm not mad at you" I said "your not" she said "no because your the only one to care" I said hugging her again "I love you" I said "I love you to" she said hugging me back

I kissed her and she kissed back. I put my arms around her neck and she grabbed me waist. It was getting heated but I pulled away "Babe I would love to continue but we should get to class" I said she frowned at me "how about we continue this later tonight" I said whispering in her ear "deal" she said


I went home and my dad wasn't anywhere to be seen. I went to the kitchen and started cooking. As I was cooking I herd a car pull up and I was obviously my dad. We walked inside and yelled "get me a beer" he said. I went into the fridge and grabbed one and handed it to him and went back to the stove

I finished cooking and brought the food to him "get me a nother beer" he said while taking the food "yes sir" I said going to grab him one "what did you do to this food it taste like shit" he said "I'm sorry" I said looking down "no you know how to cook and you shouldn't fuck it up if you know how to cook" he said throwing hi empty beer bottle at me and it shattered cut me a few times "clean this shit up" he said "yes sir" I said

As I was going to get the cleaning supplies someone knocked on the door. I held my breath when my dad went to the door hoping it wasn't Max. When he opened the door it was the police. I herd them talking then they came inside.

"Y/n can I talk with you in private" he officer asked "sure" I said fallowing him into the room next to us "does your dad hit you?" He asked I didn't respond but nodded my head up and down "ok well I can see from you face" he said "what now" I said "don't worry we have a perfect place for you" he said

We walked out of the room and saw my dad in hand cuffs "oh come on you believe a child" he yelled "y/n go pack some of your stuff I'll be right back" he said. I went to my room and as I was putting things in my bag Max came in through the window "y/n babe what's happening" she asked "there taking my dad" I said "did they finally catch his ass" she asked "yeah they did" I said. She walked up to me and hugged me "that's grate" she said "now what?" She asked

"I don't know but what I do know is what ever happens I will always love you" I said pressing a sweet but passionate kiss to her and she kissed back. I pulled away and looked into her eyes "I love you" she said

(1034 words)

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