M.M. New kid

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"Why did we have to move so far?" I asked my dad "Because I felt like it so that's what we're doing" he said in a drunken slur. Within a few months, we were gone and out of California and in Hawkins Indiana. It was the middle of school here which was the worst time to move to a school. Everyone already had they're friend groups. I was never one of thoughts people to talk to anyone ever, so it was fine.

I took my skateboard and bag and skated to school. It was far but it was better than my dad driving at this time of morning. As I was riding a car pulled up to me "Do you need a ride Sweety?" the woman said, "I'm sorry?" I said confused "You look like you're going to the school I can give you a ride" she said "You're not going to kidnap me are you" I said "oh no, I'm taking my son to school, and this road gets very busy in the morning, and I don't want there to be an accident" she said "ok then" I said picking up my board and got in the back of the car

"I'm Will" the boy with brown hair said, "I'm Y/n" I said, "I've never seen you around did you just move here?" he asked "Yeah, my dad just moved us over here, we came from California" I said looking out the window, "oh that's quite far" his mom said "I couldn't imaging moving so far away from your friends" she said "oh it's fine I didn't have any back at home anyway" I said as we pulled up to the school Will and I walked into the school "Will!" someone yelled.

I looked over to the person and they had long black hair and he was with 4 other people "Hey guy's" he said, and they started walking over to us "Who's the new kid?" the one with long light brown hair said "This is Y/n, she just moved here" he said. I smiled and put my hands in my jacket pockets "how did you two meet?" the one with red hair asked, "Funny story she was riding her skateboard and my mom pulled up and asked if she needed a ride" he said laughing "And you just got in the car assuming she wasn't going to kidnap you" The red head said

"Well, anyone would be better than my dad so it's whatever" I said. By this point I was filled with nervousness and the brown-haired girl noticed "I'm Jane but my friends call my El" she said everyone introduced themselves, but I was waiting for the red head "And I'm Max" she said "Well it was nice meeting you all but I better get to the office" I said "I can show you" max said "Ok fine with my" I said "bye Max" El said "Bye" she said

As we were walking to the office Max started conversation "Where did you come from?" she asked, "Oh um, California" I said "Really?" she replied, "yeah far but it's not that cool" I said "No it's not that it's just I moved here from California" I looked at her and looked at her "I don't recognize you at so probably different parts" I said

After a little bit of silence Max spoke up "so you skate?" I looked at her "yeah for a while" I said "I also skate, we should skate together sometime" she said I looked to the ground and blushed "yeah we should" I said still looking away from her "this is the office I'll see you around" she said "yeah for sure bye" I said walking into the office


After the counselor was done giving me a tour she finally brought me to my first class "Hi Mr. Clark so sorry to interrupt but I have your new stunted" she said I rolled my eyes and was still standing behind her "oh, grate, no you're not interrupting, um Dustin drum roll please" he said and he banged his hand on his desk "coming all the way from California joining us on are Curiosity voyage is Y/n L/n" 'grate already had to be embarrassed on my first day, by a teacher' I thought to myself  "Y/n you can sit next to Maxin oh my bad Max, Max can you raise your hand for Y/n please" she did and I sat by her

"Maxin Hu?" I said to her teasing her "don't call me that" she said "ok whatever" I said smiling to myself

As I was walking out of school, I was heading to the rode to go home and saw my dad's car next to a high schoolers car and they were arguing "shit" I said seeing that my dad was obviously drunk again. I walked over and yelled at my dad because he was about to start throwing hands with the guy "DAD, STOP LETS GO HOME" I said "you don't tell me what to do little girl" he said and slapped me. It stung and I held it. Once the older boy saw him slap me, he grabbed my dad by the arms and pushed him against the trunk of the car "you better listen to your kid man" he said and let go. My dad was obviously pissed and walked to his side of a car.

I looked at the older boy "I'm sorry about my dad he can be like that" I said "you better watch him before he gets his ass jumped" he said. We got home and I went to go to my room, but he stopped me and grabbed my hair "You better get to making me food now you little bitch" he said "yes sir" I said, and he let go. I made him dinner and cried silently and set the table. I stopped crying and acted like nothing happened "So tell me about school how is it there" he said, "It's fine, just a nother typical middle school" I said "Yeah, well I hate the high schoolers, really a pain in my ass" he said finishing his food "Take my plate to the sink and clean this up NOW" he said yelling "Yes sir" I said getting up and cleaning the kitchen 

He walked into the the living room and began to watch tv again. Soon after he fell asleep, and I cried finishing cleaning up the kitchen. I turned off the lights and went to my bedroom and put on one of my hoodies and then there was a knock on my window. I walked to the window and saw Max

"Max, why are you here?"

(1,124 Words)

Cliff hanger haha

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