Chapter 2

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I notice everyone's head simultaneously turn in my direction as I walk though the crowd and head toward the stage. It feels like an out of body experience. I have so many thoughts, yet I can't comprehend a single one of them.

I walk up the steps and find myself standing beside James. He sends me a look that reads "we're both screwed but at least we're screwed together" through a sorrowful grin. I attempt to return the smile, but I think it comes out as more of a grimace. I turn my head to look at the crowd below, and examine the faces of the people who just escaped death. All these people get to go home now, and celebrate the fact that they have another year of life ahead of them. They get to see their families, their friends, their pets. Which leads me to think of my parents. Are they watching this? Is my face on their tiny cracked television screen right now? Are they crying? Are they screaming? Are they silent? What are they thinking?

Before I even have time to gather my thoughts, a security guard is dragging me off of the stage and into the train station that sits beside the selection grounds. I'm pushed through the cold, dull halls that are decorated with photos of old white men from years and years ago until I'm eventually shoved into a little room.

"Wait here. You're parents will be here soon to say goodbye. Then you will be put on a train that will take you to block 1. You'll meet the other players, and proceed with training. Don't ask any questions, as that all I am permitted to tell you. Congratulations" the guard tells me and scuttles out of the room.

Congratulations? What on earth am I being congratulated on? We both know damn well there's no way I'm making it out of this alive.

I sit myself down on a raggedy wooden chair in the corner of the room as I wait for my parents to arrive. I examine the condition of the empty room. It's bare walls are coated in a layer of thick dust, and the only window is fogged up with dirt. It represents the state that Block 12 has been in since the end of the war. Falling apart. A wave of anger takes over me as I start thinking about everything Block 1 could be doing to help us, but don't. They don't need all that money, they could divide it equally amongst each Block. They're all just power hungry, greedy pigs that are happy to let everyone else suffer as long as they can continue to relish in designer clothing and host their precious Games and-

My internal rant is cut off by my parents entering the room. I jump off my chair and run over to hug them. My dad cradles me in his arms while my mother has her hands around my side. The three of us stand there, crying for 5 minutes and alternating turns saying the phrase "I love you" through muffled sobs until the same guard from before enters the room.

"Time is up. Mr and Mrs Marshall, you may leave".

It takes all the strength in me to release myself from my parent's hold, and look them both in the eyes.

"I'll see you soon" I lie for the second time today. I normally hate lying, but right now I'm not capable of even thinking about the truth.

I cannot believe this is happening.

They both just look at me through their red, glassy eyes. The guard pushes past them and grabs me by the shoulders.

I scream something inaudible as I'm pulled out of the room, and watch as my parents have to witness their only child being sent off to die. An indescribable pain is coating both of their eyes, as tears leak down their faces. I don't think I've ever felt as low as I do in this moment.

The guard turns the corner, and we walk out onto the platform, where the train awaits my arrival.

He shoves me through the carriage door, and before I can try to get off, he slams it shut in my face. I can tell he's done this before, he's very good at not allowing players to escape their inevitable doom. What a shitty job that must be.

Let The Games Begin // Billie EilishWhere stories live. Discover now