Chapter 32

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Billie's POV

"What are you doing here, James?" I ask assertively as he stands beside Peter.

He looks frail and scared. The way he is slightly hunched over makes me believe that he doesn't want to be here at all.

"Well..." he pauses. "Audrey went missing. I was trying to find her and I ran into Peter. He told me he'd help me find her if I helped him find Cove." He admits quietly.

The three of us stand in a sort of triangle shape, not one of us saying a word until I finally break the silence.

"Do you seriously believe him? Why would you help him do that? You know he wants Cove dead.." I say calmly while glaring at a smirking Peter. He looks chuffed with himself.

My attention turns back to James when he ashamedly lowers his head, and I slowly swallow the lump in my throat, hesitating to ask my next question.

"Were you gonna let him kill Cove so you could find Audrey?" I ask in disbelief as a feeling of anger rises from the soles of my feet to the top of my head.

I watch as he slowly nods his head, and I impulsively take an aggressive step forward.

"What the hell James?! Were you seriously gonna do that?! Cove is your friend!" I shout as Peter snickers beside him.

"I'm sorry! I just-" James cries out as he flinches at my sudden movement. "I had no choice! Audrey is missing and I need to find her!"

I stare at him for second, trying to process how the guy we called our friend could betray us like that. But I'd be lying if I said that I didn't completely understand where he is coming from. If it came down to it, I would kill Nikki in a heartbeat for Cove.

I clench my jaw with tension as I consider what to do next. Do I tell him the truth? Or do I go along with this and try to re-direct them in a different direction?

A feeling of pity fills my stomach, and I know I have to tell him.

"She's dead, James. Milaus killed her." I say calmly as I turn my head away, unable to look him in the eyes.

"W-what? When? How? How do you know?" He asks with a wavering voice.

"He told me. We, uh, we were with him for the first night. But he's gone now."

I can practically see his eyes fill with pain as tension fills the air. He studies my face and his eyebrows start to furrow "Why we're you with him? Did you help him?!"

"God, no! Of course I didn't. We ditched him as soon as we found out."

"Speaking of 'we'.." Peter cuts in. "Whereabouts is you're little sidekick? She must be around here somewhere. Is she with you now?"

"No, we got separated." I lie. There is no way in hell I'm giving him any idea of where Cove is.

"I can't believe this." James says under his breath. "She's gone. She's actually gone." He seems to be in his own little world.

"I'm sorry, James. I know how close you guys were." I say softly.

Something in the air changes when he snaps out of his daze and locks his eyes with mine. A feel a chill run down my spine, I've never seen him looks so angry.

"How could you let this happen?." He says sharply.

My eyes widen at his sudden change in personality. "I-what?" I ask in disbelief. "What-James, I didn't kill her. It was Milaus."

"You were with him. You knew he'd kill her, didn't you! I always knew you were on his side." He begins to shout as he takes a step towards me.

I back up with my hands held up in defence.

Let The Games Begin // Billie EilishWhere stories live. Discover now