Chapter 21

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(A/N: Ok I know I said that this chapter would be juicy, but as I was writing it I realised I needed to put in this one last chapter before we get to the good one. So enjoy this little filler one for the time being!)

I wake up a little earlier than the other players this morning. The room is tranquil and lit up by the orange shade of early morning sunlight seeping through the tiny windows. I decide to take this opportunity to get up before everyone else and get a head start on the showers. As everyone sleeps around me, I undress from my pyjamas and quickly wrap myself in my towel and quietly head to the bathroom.

I step into the warm shower and slowly wash my body and hair. I spend way longer in there than I need to, but I'm soaking up every last second of alone time I'm granted.

My peaceful shower is inevitably interrupted by the sound of the alarm and players beginning to shuffle around in the main room. I turn off the faucet and squeeze out of the shower. I accidentally bump into the shoulder of a player on my way out of the bathroom.

"Shit, sorry." I say as I look into the eyes of the person I hit, only to be met with Billie's.

"It's all good." She forces a grin, and I lower my head and continue in the direction of my bed.

I change into my uniform and brush my hair, before pulling back my duvet and climbing under the covers. I have decided I want to skip breakfast this morning. I'm feeling really overwhelmed about The Games starting so soon, and to be honest I don't want another awkward breakfast of me not knowing what to say to Billie while she sits in silence beside me.

Im just not in the mood. At least this way, she can enjoy her breakfast while I'm not there.

The room eventually clears out while all the players make their way to the dining hall.

"Hey, you not coming?" Audrey asks as she brushes past my bed, her hair tied up into two space buns on the top of her head.

"Nah, I'm just gonna chill here until training starts. I'll see you later." I smile.

"Hmmm....are you sure this has nothing to do with ms. Becky with the black hair and tattooed frown?" She says while raising her eyebrows at me.

"I mean..that may or may not be one of the reasons but honestly I'd rather just chill here for a bit."

"Okaayyyy then. I'll talk to you later." She salutes before striding out of the room.

I lay there for about 20 minutes in blissful silence.

You know those days where you just don't feel good? You don't necessarily feel bad, you just feel kind of low and lethargic, you don't have much energy and nothing really excites you? You just want to lay there and stare at nothing and wait for the feeling to pass?

Today is one of those days.

Or maybe I'm just getting my period.


"Maybe if you try holding your arm out for better aim." Billie sighs.

"I tried that before but it didn't do anything, it still hit the floor." I whine.

Billie is trying to help me at the knife throwing station, the one station we haven't really spent much time at.

And it shows.

I have been here for 3 hours and I am yet to even hit the target.

"Look, just copy exactly what I do." She says lowly as she skilfully throws her knife and manages to hit the abdomen of the human-shaped target. "See? It's easy. Try again."

Let The Games Begin // Billie EilishWhere stories live. Discover now