Chapter 11

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"Players, we strongly advise that you start thinking about partnerships within the next day or two. At the end of this week, you will pick your partner during a ceremony here in the auditorium. This ceremony will be televised nationally and will commence the start of your public appearances. Please remember, it is prohibited that you pair up with your fellow Block member." Soren Wenniston, the games moderator, announces proudly.

All of us players are sat in the auditorium, similarly to how we were on our first day here. This Friday is finally the day we get to pick our partners. To say I'm relieved is a heavy understatement.

The past few days have been really stressful. Waking up every night at 2am is starting to take a toll on my body, and having to make sure there isn't anyone around when we need to use the Dream training room is getting quite frustrating.

It's also hard having to pretend that I don't know Billie. I feel like we've become friends, and sometimes it hurts when she doesn't even return the smile I send her. I know I can't take it personally, but it still bothers me sometimes. To put it simply, Friday can't roll around quick enough.

"That's all from me for today. You will now be escorted to the training room. Good luck to you all." He finishes. He is decked out in a flamboyant bright pink tuxedo. I must say, he is quite the character.

As we exit the auditorium and walk towards the training room in single file, I can feel the thick tension in the air.

As we start to fill out the training room, Peter's obnoxious voice once again invades the peaceful silence.

"Oh come on, Milaus. You know we'd be a great team!" He shrieks.

"Get away from me Peter."

"I'm serious dude, we could kill these fuckers within seconds-"

"Peter seriously get the FUCK out of my face." Milaus shouts as he shoves his chest to push him away.

For the first time since I've gotten here, I am actually on Milaus's side.

Peter just shakes his head, before stomping over to Billie.

"Hey Billie, partner up with me." He whines annoyingly.


"Come onnnn, you know we'd be great together! I've been training with the knives since I got here. I can slice a fucker if I have to!" Peter continues.

"Go away, Peter." I can see the anger ready to burst out of her as she tries to remain calm.

"Just think about it! Stop being so stubborn and-"

Peter is instantly cut off as Billie decks him right in the jaw.

I try to suppress a giggle, but fail miserably. He absolutely deserved that.

Peter, who is now cupping his jaw in pain, turns his head to face me. He looks like he's ready to 'slice' me then and there.

"Shut your fucking mouth, 12." He warns.

"I think you are actually the one who needs to shut your mouth." I respond defensively. I surprise myself and the people around me. I usually keep to myself in times like these.

"You little fucking brat!" He spits out.

"Leave her alone Peter." Audrey says lowly as she steps in front of me. I take this opportunity to look at James, who once again is staring at her in amazement.

Dudes got it bad.

Peter takes one glance at Audrey, and instantly backs away in fear. I can't help but smile at her, feeling proud to be her friend. I just love the power she holds over him.

Let The Games Begin // Billie EilishWhere stories live. Discover now