Chapter 31

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No one tells you what happens after saying "I love you" to someone when neither of you have ever been that affectionate with each other.

Normal couples would jump into each other's arms and engage in a long embrace, or have some sort of elaborate celebration. But Billie and I have never been that type of "couple", if you could even call us that.

And it's complicated. We've already said "I love you" to each other. But this time felt different. It felt more sincere. I felt much more vulnerable.

So, we just sit in silence for a solid 30 seconds. It was nice at first, her smile still beaming and me still buzzing on adrenaline. But it starts to feel a bit awkward after a while when clearly neither of us can think of anything to say.

I decide to completely ruin the moment by grabbing the cupcake box out of her hand and standing up abruptly.

"Come on. It's time for cake! Well..cupcake.." I say way too enthusiastically, completely ignoring the intimate moment we just shared.

Billie just blinks at me, clearly aware of my poor attempt to lighten the mood, and instantly I regret my actions.

Another painful few seconds pass before she awkwardly clears her throat. "Um-thanks but I uh, I think I'll just go and pick some berries first."

She tosses her blanket to the side as she stands up and begins to make her way out of the cave. I can tell she is trying to escape me, and rightfully so. I have just made an uncomfortable situation a thousand times more uncomfortable.

"No, wait! It's a rule in my family that the birthday celebratee eats cake on the morning of their birthday. Now, of course that's a lie because we don't have cake in Block 12, but I've decided to make it a rule. Now come here, eat."

Billie nods hesitantly and follows me over to the lookout rock. She perches herself on top of it while I sit crossed legged on the ground in front of her. I hand her the cupcake and watch her take a bite before tucking into my burnt fish.

"The fuck is that?" Billie asks with her mouth full of cake as she looks down at the frying pan with a disgusted expression.

"Oh." I say and swallow my food. "I tried to cook you a fish all by myself for your birthday breakfast, but thankfully the cake showed up and saved the day. I don't really know if this is safe to eat, but oh well."

Just as I'm about to scoop another bite into my mouth, Billie interjects.

"Let's switch."

I look up at her, confused.


"I want the fish." She says emotionlessly as she tries to reach for the pan, but I pull it away.

"Billie what is wrong with you? You don't want to eat this, it's disgusting. And besides, it's your birthday so you get the cake. Rules are rules."

She places the cupcake on the ground and rests her forearms against her knees before leaning down closer to me.

"It's not actually my birthday, so those rules you love so much don't apply. And also, I want the fish because you went through the effort to make it for me and I think that's cute. So c'mon. Switch with me."

I take a brief moment to contemplate her offer. The stubborn side of me wants to tell her that I won't just do whatever she tells me to do. But the way she just said the word "cute" seems to have some sort of control over me.

Needless to say, I hand her the fish.

"You can have it but I'm not eating that cupcake. It's yours."

"Cove come on, just eat it." She says as she taps it against my arm, but i refuse to take it.

Let The Games Begin // Billie EilishWhere stories live. Discover now