Chapter 36

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Cove's POV

I think the sun has come up and gone back down again about 3 times since my incident with the birds. Since then, I have eaten approximately 600 blueberries, gotten 9 hours of sleep and have not encountered a single person. A canon went off yesterday morning, I think. Time becomes really misconstrued when you don't have a clock, so it's hard to tell.

In all honesty, I'm surprised I'm still alive. I feel like my body is losing strength by the minute. I'm hungry, sleep-deprived and, well, I'm an easy target.

God, I must look absolutely horrendous.

I thought I would have encountered at least one other person by now, but luck seems to be on my side. I just need to wait for 3 more canons to blast, and then I might see Billie again.

I've decided that if I do in fact make it to the dream test with Billie, I'm letting her win. There's no way that she's going to somehow magically come up with a plan to get us both out of there alive. And out of the two of us, she has more to live for.

I just need to see her one more time. I want to tell her how much she means to me, and thank her for everything.

But there's always the question of what if? What if she's not alive anymore?

What if one of the three canon's since my note arrived were for Billie?

I let out a breathy sigh and try my best to ignore the lump in my throat.

Currently, I'm perched within a little flower patch I found last night. I've been making a flower-chain -which must be about 2-feet-long by now- to pass the time whilst I sit with my thoughts. I miss having someone to talk to.

I shovel what must be the 50th mouthful of blueberries today into my mouth.

I am so sick of these goddamn blueberries. However, I don't trust my cooking skills and I'm not willing to risk self-inflicted food poisoning. So they are quite literally my only option for food.


I swiftly jump up to my feet as I grab the wooden knife from my pocket. My chest rapidly falls up and down as I scan my surroundings and try to locate the voice.

Instantly I notice someone hiding behind a tree.


The brown-haired girl slowly moves out from behind the tree and starts tip-toeing towards me. As soon as she notices my hesitation, she holds her hands up in defence.

"I'm not gonna hurt you, I swear."

I analyse her as she stands there, staring right back at me. I don't trust her. Why should I? We're so close to the final 5, why would she be looking for ally-ship now? She's never shown any interest in being my friend before, I'd be a fool to believe she's suddenly interested now.

I consider my options. I really don't have the strength to fight right now. She'd easily win. I need her to think I trust her, and then when she's not looking, I'll run.

I silently nod my head and gesture for her to come forward.

But she doesn't.

She remains in that exact position as still as a statue for an uncomfortable few seconds. I shake my head at her, wondering why she's just standing there. A chill runs down my spine at the eeriness of her demeanour.

She lowers her hands before quickly reaching behind her back and pulling the bow and arrow from her shoulder.

I duck as she suddenly begins to fire arrows at me. I don't have any time to think before I feel a sharp twinge in my left arm and let out a loud yelp. The blueberries fall out of my hand as the pain knocks me to the floor, and as hard as I try, I can't fight the urge to scream out in agony.

I can't believe that this is how I die, it's so sudden. I don't want to die. I never got to say goodbye to Billie.

I really thought I was going to make it. I thought I was going to hear 3 more canons and I'd be reunited with Billie one last time for the dream test.

I think of my mother and father back home in Block 12, and how they're probably watching me right now. I can almost hear my mother crying at the television as my father consoles her in his arms. I'm their only daughter, this isn't fair to them. They shouldn't have to watch this.

I feel like I have so much left to live for. I want to have kids and I want to travel and I want to make more friends. I'm only 19, I've barely seen any of the world.

But at the same time, I'm proud that I've made it this far. When I first entered The Ring, I wholeheartedly believed I would be the first player to go. I mean, I had nothing going for me. But Billie changed that, and for her I am extremely grateful. I hope she knows that she protected me as much as she could.

As I lay amongst the flowers, I close my eyes and allow my death to fall upon me. I expect an arrow to go shooting through my head or my heart at any moment now.

However, a loud thud distracts me, and I muster up the courage to open my eyes.

The tears in my eyes taint my vision, but I can still make out her silhouette in the distance. She's just standing there. Why is she still just... stood? Why isn't she doing anything?

Maybe she thinks I'm already dead.

I sit up slightly as I try to blink away the tears.

Eventually I can just about see the details in her appearance again.

But it's not Myra.

It's her.

It's Billie.

It's Billie stood there staring right back at me with a knife in her hand and Myra laying at her feet.

A canon rings throughout The Ring to mark Myra's death, implying that we are one step closer to the dream test.

Billie stares at me in disbelief as I lay there on the floor. I half expect her to run over to me and help me up before going into hiding again.

But she doesn't move.

"Billie!" I call out for her.

She doesn't move a muscle. Instead, two figures appear from behind her and join her side in a staring contest with me.

"Wow, Cove. You know, I have to admit... I underestimated you." Milaus grins maliciously.

I blink harshly as I try to understand what is happening. Why is Billie with Milaus and Nikki? After everything they did to Audrey, why would she do that?

I make sure not to look at either of them. Instead, I maintain intense eye contact with Billie.

"Well... this is a bit of tricky situation, isn't it?" Nikki chimes in as she rests her arm on Billie's shoulder. "What do you think we should do, Billie?"

I stare intently into Billie's eyes as she clenches her jaw.

"Look, I know she's your little pet, but she's already injured. And she's our biggest threat in the dream test. I mean, is it really worth keeping her?" Milaus questions sarcastically.

A light breeze gently blows Billie's hair to the side. As always, her expression remains blank.

I'd like to think I know Billie well by now. She's kind, she's intelligent and she's fiercely loyal. And above everything else, I know that she cares about me. Despite how difficult it's been for me to read her, I think I know her well enough that I don't need to read her anymore.

However, no amount of time spent getting to know her could have prepared me for her answer to Milaus' question.




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