Chapter 3

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"Welcome, players of the 80th annual Block Games. My name is Soren Wenniston, the Games moderator" the man standing on the tall stage talks into the microphone. He wears a blue suit and tie, and his long dark hair is scooped up into a perfect man bun.

All 24 players and lots of staff are sat in a hall, listening to him give us a rundown of the next few months. If I hadn't known the context behind this meeting, I'd say it was a cult gathering. Us players are dressed in our identical uniforms, while the staff wear baggy, red bodysuits. It's bizarre.

"It's a pleasure to meet you all. Each of you were selected to participate this year, meaning you will spend the next two months training hard to build up your strength, stamina and emotional intelligence. The first week is assessment week, so you will be spending the next 7 days trying to show off your skills, and you'll be ranked on your performance at the end. As you already know, after the first month of training you must partner up with another player. You are not allowed to pair up with the player from your Block. This is to encourage peace amongst the people watching from home, so they know that each Block is equal".

I scoff at that. What a load of bullshit. If Block 1 even had a sense of what life was like in Block 12, they'd know damn well that we are not equal. In fact, they probably already do know but are too selfish to give up their fancy clothes and expensive cars.

"You will rise each morning at 5:30am to shower and get ready. Breakfast is at 6. Training starts at 7. Lunch is at 1. Training will resume at 2:30 until dinner at 6pm, and then you will have the rest of the evening off as free time. Curfew is at 10pm. You are forbidden to leave the training centre unless it is for interviews or any other public duties. If you have any medical needs, there are 5 doctors on call in the building. Now that we've got all that out of the way, you'll be off for your physical examination to see what level you are at."

Well shit. I have been dreading this moment since I first sat on that train. Once everyone sees how incapable I am of simply throwing a punch, no one is going to want to partner up with me. Above anything else, I'm just going to embarrass myself.

Oh well. Not to be morbid, but it's not like it's gonna matter, I'll be dead in 2 months anyway.

"Right. Off you go. Best of luck to each and every one of you." He salutes and walks off the stage. All of us players stand up and are guided towards what I'm guessing is the training room. I stand back and wait for James so that we can walk together. Even though we haven't actually spoken yet, he's the closest thing I have to a friend. And I know that I'm the same for him.

We all walk for about 5 minutes in silence until we finally enter another dimly lit room. It contains lots of training mats, various weapons, and some obstacle looking things that I'm guessing are for practice. In the middle of the room there is wide podium in the shape of a boxing ring.

A tall man comes out to greet us, and introduces himself as Sage, our trainer. He has a kind smile, but there is something in his eyes that is kind of off. My gut instantly tells me not to trust him. And my gut is always right.

"Alright. I'm going to get you all to fight on that podium over there" he announces as he points over to the boxing ring. "You'll fight against each other, 2 at a time. You have to fight your fellow block member. We'll judge your skill level based on how long you last up there".

Me and James instantly shoot each other a sympathetic look. Even though I'm no good at fighting, I don't want to hurt him.

"Block 1, you're up. Everyone else, sit down and watch" Sage says and we all seat ourselves on the ground. The two players walk up onto the podium. The girl has shoulder length blonde hair that appears golden in a certain light. Her tan skin is slightly painted with some make-up. She holds her fists up in a starting position as the boy does the same. He has paler skin, and appears tall and buff with a strong look of determination in his eyes. He's definitely one to watch out for.

Let The Games Begin // Billie EilishWhere stories live. Discover now