Chapter 35

100 5 17

Cove's POV

"Damn tree." I grumble to myself as I struggle to place my left foot firmly on the branch.

After another unsuccessful day of searching for Billie, I decided to reside in a tree for the night. I figured it's probably safer to sleep hidden away up in the leaves where I can't be reached than just straight up on the ground where anyone can come and kill me in my sleep.

I suppose I'm feeling a little squirmish after what happened with Peter, so Im not taking any chances.

I let out some sort of loud huff and pull myself up onto a branch that is far enough above the ground to feel safe. I position myself so I'm resting against the large bark of the tree, and let out a sigh.

I guess this is how the rest of my time here is gonna go. I'm gonna hide out from danger until either someone eventually finds me and kills me, or I'm one of the last 5 people standing and make it to the dream test. Based on how many canons have gone off so far, I've worked out that there's 11 players left in the ring. I just need to hide out for the next 6 canons, and I might actually have a chance.

It's not exactly a desirable existence, but at least I'm still breathing.

I wonder if Billie is still breathing.

I wonder if James is still breathing.

I hope Milaus is not still breathing.

I know that's a terrible thing to think, but it's the honest to god truth. I'd have a much better chance of survival if he wasn't around.

I snap a small branch off of the side of the trunk, followed by another one. I begin to repeatedly scrape one against the other, noticing a sharp point forming on one of them. Once I'm satisfied with the knife I've crafted, I stuff it in my coat pocket. It's not much, but it's something.

I lean my head back and notice the amount of stars peppered throughout the sky. There are so many beautiful constellations hovering above me, and for a brief moment, I admire the beauty of The Ring. If it were designed under different circumstances, I might actually be impressed. It's a shame that such an innovative creation was made for such vile, inhumane reasons.

Once again, I find my thoughts floating back to Billie. I wish she could look at the stars with me.

Just as I'm about to peacefully nod off for the night, I'm disrupted by a familiar beeping sound dancing around my ears. I open my eyes slowly and turn my head in the direction of the noise. A small, flat box glides towards me before eventually landing successfully on the branch just above my head. I carefully reach my arm up and snatch it from its place, and rest it in my lap.

I remove the lid and notice a small folded piece of paper inside. I delicately remove it and open it up, my throat almost closing up as I re-read the words written in front of me.

"She's alive. Don't give up yet. ~ Sabine"

I feel my eyes welling up with tears as I hold the note up against my chest and lean back again. I close my eyes and try to fall asleep despite the butterflies of relief fluttering around my stomach.

Just 6 more canons. I can do this.


I might not be able to do this.

My somewhat peaceful slumber was interrupted by incessant croaking coming from my left. I quickly place the note back in its box and shove it into my back pocket before hesitantly removing myself from the tree to investigate the noise. It doesn't sound like a player, it sounds like... an animal?

The Ring is illuminated by the glare of the full moon, but not enough for me to fully comprehend my surroundings.

I quietly walk around for a minute or so, contemplating the idea of just returning to sleep. Just as I am about to turn around, the croaking suddenly becomes much, much louder.

A large flock of enormous black birds emerge from behind a tree, and seem to be charging towards me.

Ah, shit.

I quickly sprint in the opposite direction, the sound of their chirping and crying creeping up closer and closer behind me. I instantly get hit with deja vu and think back to the time I was running from a wave with Billie, remembering the feeling of my feet flying towards the cave. I use all of my strength to re-create the pace I kept that day. It was easier when she was running in front of me and keeping me motivated. I try to imagine that she's here, her jet black hair swooshing as she runs whilst she screams at me to hurry up.

I can hear the birds hitting against the trees behind me, the ground almost rattling as they do.

After 2 minutes or so, I can barely catch my breath. I desperately look around for any possible escape. I see a small lake further in the distance and re-direct myself towards it.

As the monstrous birds continue hurling after me, I run until I just about reach the lake and harshly leap off of my feet. I hit the water with a thud and sink beneath the surface, trying to stay under for as long as possible. Everything went quiet, the annoying birdsong replaced by the muffled sound of water.

I wait there for as long as possible until I feel like I can't stay down any longer. I quickly swim up as fast as I can, gasping for air as soon as my head breaks the water's surface. I watch as the large flock quietly flies away into the dark forest, and just like that, they're gone.

I float for a while in the lake, trying to mentally unpack what just happened. I feel proud of myself for getting out of that situation without the help of anyone else.

Eventually I make my way out of the water, droplets dripping from every inch of me as I walk on aimlessly. Clearly the organisers of The Game aren't going to let me sit somewhere and wait it out, so I suppose it's time for me to devise a new plan.



Two canons blasts throughout The Ring, immediately capturing my attention.

That means there's 9 players left. Only 4 canons to go.


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