Chapter 25

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As soon as the bell rings signalling the beginning of The Games, I leap off that podium and make a B-line towards the forest behind me.

I don't even think, I just run and run and run as fast as my legs will let me.

Billies POV

I jump off our spot on the podium, and start running in a different direction to Cove. I sprint towards the dome with the aim of grabbing as many materials as I possibly can.

When I'm about halfway there, I check behind me to make sure she's still running, and I see her heading towards the massive forest behind us. I take a quick mental note of the direction she's headed before turning my head back around and darting towards a little backpack hidden amongst the grass.

As soon as I grab it, I notice someone running towards me from the corner of my eye. I look up and see Peter sprinting with a knife in is hand.

"YOU LIAR!!" He screeches in my ear as he raises his arm to stab me.

I immediately duck and he stumbles forward. I hear him mumble something about Cove not being here but I'm too pumped up on adrenaline to listen properly. Before he has time to get back up, I nab a pack of knives I see laying on the floor and stuff them in my jacket. As I see more players approaching the dome, I decide I've gotten enough materials and I sprint back in the direction of the forest.

I run uncomfortably close past Klaus, and he surprises me when he leaps forward in an attempt to tackle me. Once again, I quickly manoeuvre to the side, just about escaping his lunge.

I immediately pick up the pace and run faster than I think I ever have before.

Don't stop. Just keep moving. Make it back to Cove.

I run and I run and I run some more, eventually making it to the entrance of the forest. I continue to sprint amongst the trees in the direction Cove went.

Cove's POV

I must have been running for about 10 minutes straight before I finally had to stop. I collapsed to the ground in exhaustion, panting harshly as I did.

I didn't turn any corners or make any sudden changes along the route because I don't want to throw Billie off. I just kept running straight ahead in the hopes that she'll do the same.

Currently, I'm sat in a little dip in the ground that's hidden by a few bushes and trees, patiently waiting for Billie.


The sound of a canon rings in my ears, making me jump a little.


Another one.




I quickly put two and two together and come to the realisation that those sounds notify the death of a player.

I try to not allow allow the predictions of victims enter my brain, and keep my mind set on looking out for Billie.

I curl up under the bush and stay as quiet as I can, trying desperately not to be heard.

However, I turn on high alert when I can hear the sound of leaves crunching in the far distance. As the pitter patter of footsteps gets louder and louder, so does my heartbeat.

Hesitantly, I sit up slightly to get a view of who could be coming in my direction. I sigh a breath of relief when I see that familiar head of jet black hair sprinting towards me.

I stand up and step out into the open to catch her attention.

However, that was probably a bad idea because she damn near pounds into me at full speed.

Let The Games Begin // Billie EilishWhere stories live. Discover now