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Barnes walked into the small bar he had become a regular at and was surprised to see Ailwén behind it serving customers.
"What?" He began.
"Kelly needed some extra help apparently someone has been spouting their mouth off about what a great place this is and it's getting busy" she replied passing him a beer before moving on to serve someone else. "Aren't you supposed to be resting?" He demanded and Ailwén just laughed.
"This is her resting" the old man grumbled looking up from his paper.' As Ailwén continued serving she smiled to herself. In the three months since she had been back Barnes had been to see her every day and she looked forwards to his visits. He had at first brought her cups of coffee to her hospital room and then when she was discharged tried turning up with full mela he had found from somewhere. He had begun to drop gentle hints about going on a date something she was not adverse to doing. As the door banged open she looked up as two men walked in and felt herself go cold as she recognised their uniforms and smiling they began spraying the bar with automatic fire.

"Hey doll" Barnes smiled as he recognised who sat by his bed as he slowly regained consciousness. Studying Ailwén he realised she was quite seriously injured. Her side hurt unbelievably "good to see your awake" Ailwén just blinked at him unsure if he knew what had happened.
"You got shrapnel from where they threw a grenade" Barnes pointed at  her wound and she nodded. continued. "Doll about Kelly" he sighed not wanting to tell her about the old man's death but since finding out she was his daughter he thought it should come from someone who knew him. Aulwén just nodded it had been one of the first things Fury had told her but she still couldn't believe he was gone.

Ailwén sat at her desk scanning through the information SHIELD had on the bar explosion she had been surprised at how quickly she healed and Fury had reluctantly had to tell her that they thought Rumalow had been slipping her super soldier serum whilst she was trapped at Hydra. So far she hadn't displayed anything other than the ability to heal quickly. She had already been extremely fit and a good fighter so nothing seemed to have changed.

Tomorrow she was giving evidence against him and she genuinely didn't know if she could go through with it. Being in a Hydra base for all that time had effected her feelings towards him and she suspected she was suffering from Stokholm syndrome. Fury had reluctantly agreed to let her see him before his trail and that was happening this afternoon. She didn't know why but she knew it was important she face him. As her diary reminder pinged she's smoothed down her hair and took a deep breath before heading to the cells.

Brock Rumalow smiled as Ailwén walked hesitantly into the interrogation room.
"I can't hurt you" he drawled motioning towards the handcuffs tying him to the table as she sat ashen faced opposite him. "Don't feel bad sweetheart you were an assignment.My job was to turn you and I nearly succeeded."
"Why?" She asked still not understanding why they had targeted her. She looked into his face and wanted to plead with him for answers.
"Because your unique, you understand tactics like no one else. Your fierce and you don't take prisoners." He replied laughing slightly and then his tone changed "come here pretty girl" he crooned Ailwén looked at the floor and shook her head. "Pretty girl" he called again and she found she had stood up and slowly moved around the table to his side something she was under strict orders not to do but couldn't stop herself she looked up with panicked eyes at the camera as she sat in his lap and kissed him deeply. "Last dose delivered" he grinned laughing again as she felt something blow into her throat. As she let go of his face and she found herself falling to the floor her eyesight dimming.

"His tooth?" Fury glared at the guards standing in front of his desk "how the hell did you miss
this? " the guard looked at Fury helplessly and then Banner spoke from the side.
"We think it needs some sort of emotional event to activate it. The kiss seems to have started it but she's catatonic Nick I'm not sure she's coming back from this"

Natasha Romanoff stood outside Ailwéns room with Wanda. She had spent two days arguing with Nick that if Wanda could trick her mind into believing she was completing what Rumlow had started they might get her back. Fury had adamantly refused to allow Ailwén to be put through this. Without her consent it was virtually rape.
"Are you sure about this, what if she goes mad?" The young witch wispered.
"We have to help her, god knows Nick is not going to let anyone actually bone an unconscious woman" Nat sighed and opened the door. "If we don't do this she doesn't wake up Wanda. What choice do we have?"

Ailwén watched as Brock Rumalow walked into her room and sat on the bed. Without hesitating she kissed him ignoring the voice in her head screaming at her not to. Very gently he pushes her onto the sheets and smiled as the lights turned red. "Come on pretty girl" he murmured "you know what you need to do".

"She's awake. It worked." Fury informed Stark still furious that Natasha had disobeyed a direct order and interfered. As he looked through the window at the now conscious woman who was sitting holding hands with Wanda Maximoff who was trying to explain what has happened to her. The Black Widow stood a short distance from her and when Ailwén started crying again moved to comfort her.

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