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"Jisung are you awake?", Chan asked the younger.
Yesterday evening, probably at about 5pm, Jisung stood in front of his door and asked if he could spend time with him.
Chan was sure that the situation was serious.

"I am.", he answered.

"What happened?", he asked concerned, while directly looking into Jisung's eyes. Everytime Jisung showed up at his door, without asking him before, meant that something must've happened.

"I wasn't feeling well. You know, the usual stuff. Seungmin noticed and send me to you. Since you always go jogging in the afternoon, we thought it was a good idea if I join you, to get some energy and motivation.", he said.

Indeed, this happened very often. Jisung would talk about his problems with Seungmin, and Chan would help him to fix them.

It was kind of a schedule.
Jisung would work out and cook with Chan and stay for the night. It was kind of a method to help Jisung find his way back into reality.

Chan placed an am around the younger and carefully hugged him.
Jisung let his head fall down on Chan's shoulder.

Cuddles were something both of them needed. Everybody needs cuddles sometimes.

They could tell each other everything in those moments. 'Naked Truths', was what they called it.


"All good now?", Chan asked, resting his hands on Jisung's shoulders.

"All good now.", answered Jisung, with a grin formed on his lips.

They were standing by the door, saying their goodbyes.

Chan let go of the other and watched as he left to follow the plan.

While walking down the path that lead to the city he looked at the small piece of Paper in his hands.

Step 1: buy chocolate, a rose and soda
Step 2: bring them to Hyunjin's appartment
Step 3: Knock on the door
Step 4: Apologise

Chan had said that Hyunjin liked flowers, especially roses 'cause they always tell the truth'.
So he was probably save if he just bought that, but they decided it was better to add food aswell.
After all, Jisung's love language was food.

He found the way to the flower shop pretty calm. No rain and a bit of wind. Not too many people and a few birds.

A good sign.

Finally reaching the flower shop, he looked through the buckets filled with all types of flowers.

"Are you looking for something special?", the cashier asked while giving Jisung a sweet smile.

Another good sign.
Someone who wanted to help him.
When Chan said roses, he thought that the older meant red normal roses, not a whole rainbow.

He wanted to get this done fast, but all these Color's were so pretty, he just couldn't decide.

"I want to apologise to someone, but I don't know what Color I should choose. I have decided roses would be good, but I didn't expect this much Color.", he said giving the woman a clumsy smile.

She laughed and started looking through the flowers.
"It's quite normal for you to be confused. When costumers buy roses, they often think of red ones, seeing other Colors like pink, white, orange makes them extremely confused."

If Jisung didn't know better, he would've probably fallen in love with the woman. She was pretty, had a beautiful smile and a gave off good vibes.

But just as he said before, he knew better. The ring on her finger said everything and she was probably a few years older than him.

Back in reality he watched as she took out some yellow ones.
"They may not mean „sorry" in the language of flowers but stand for friendship and joy, and show the good will for the you want to apologise too.  They show delight, caring and affection. What do you think?", she asked.

If you looked closely, starts could be seen in Jisung's eyes.
"They're perfect!"

He paid for the roses and got out of the shop. At First he only wanted to buy one, but found them so pretty, he bought a bouquet. The money was not the problem, he had enough of that. His mother always said that it was important to show the love behind an apology, so he saw no problem with that.

When he was ready to continue his little shopping tour he went straight to the supermarket, buying Soda and chocolate.

Step one done.


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