Chapter 5

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"No, no, no!" Queen Mary yowled. I sighed. "Told you she'd react this way." Oceanic muttered. "And once again you've been proven right now shut up." I hissed.

"No, they can't do this. They just can't!" Queen Mary wailed. "Mary, listen to me. They're doing this because they have to. Remember the accident I had with the piano. It was pure luck that someone wasn't seriously hurt, let alone killed. It's time Mary and you know it, they know it." I snapped.

"But it's just not fair!" She cried. "I know, but life isn't always fair." I replied calmly. "How dare they scrap you. After all you've done for this line, this is how they thank you, by breaking you up?!" She yowled. Her body was tense and her violet eyes were blazing with fury, the only other time I'd seen her even remotely this angry was during the war.

"It's wrong what they're doing. But it happens to every ship eventually. When we die that way, our bodies create new things, vital for life." I said.

Queen Mary sighed. "I still think they should reconsider." She muttered. "I know you do." I replied. "It's not okay and if they don't like my attitude then they can go and eat whale blubber." She hissed.

I wanted to snap at her for using such language but then I remembered that this was Queen Mary and such insults were part of her every day vocabulary.

"I know how you feel about scrapping Mary but you must understand that it is necessary." I said. "I know it is, but that doesn't mean I have to like it." She replied. "I don't expect you to like it, I expect you to tolerate it." I said. She nodded.

I nuzzled her and she pressed against me. I could feel her shaking as her emotions overcame her ability to control them. "Steady, steady." I murmured. She turned her head and buried her bow in my side. "Be strong, Mary. Remember, the line needs you." I said.

"I know it does. I'll, I'll be strong. But I'll miss you Aqua." She whispered. I pulled back to smile at her. "I'll never leave you, Mary." I said. "When you need me, you can always find me, in here." I explained, touching the spot where her heart was. She nodded. "Goodbye, Aqua." She whispered.

"I'm reminded of something that Olympic once said. It went 'Never goodbye, only hello." I said. She nodded and moved back. By now, most of the fleet had gathered to see me go.

Oceanic was next, her embrace was brief (she was never one for hugs) but strong. She was not one to show her emotions so when she pulled back a little sooner than I'd liked, I knew she was just being herself.

Then came Britannic. The Little White Star Liner as I often called her was crying her eyes out. I pulled her close to me. "It'll be okay, you know that." I assured her. She nodded and moved back. Georgic and Caronia went next. They were always courteous little ships and so took as little time as possible so the other ships could have a turn.

Homeric then approached me. Majestic's oldest sister had been forced to see Berengaria go to the scrapyard a few years earlier and was once again forced to see a good friend leave forever. Her green eyes were filled with tears and she blinked several times to hold them back.

"Don't try and hide it." I whispered. Homeric raised her bow up and pulled me close. "Don't go Aqua, please." She begged. Struggling to hide my own emotions I said "I must." My voice cracked and broke, I was so overcome with emotion that I couldn't speak.

I tried to find my voice. "Homeric, I am so proud of you." I managed. There was so much more that I wanted to say to this wonderful crosser of mine. She had changed so much since she came here. Once an insubordinate German crosser, she had turned into a loyal British subject.

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