Chapter 14

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After racing away from New Jersey, I traveled north, deep into enemy territory. I didn't slow until I reached Chongjin close to the Chinese border.

It was a big coastal city with a fairly big port but I kept off to the side. I was American, if I was caught I was as good as dead.

"...finish this now." The voice sounded fairly close and risked coming a little closer to hear better, still well hidden by the darkness


"The UN forces threaten us in every direction, we must defend our positions to the last man." One ship, a large Russian battleship growled. "Yes and so we shall, but we must be patient Potemkin." Another said. "I'm tired of waiting, let's get them now Aurora, while they're still weak from their long retreat through the jungle." The battleship growled.

When she moved into the light, I nearly gasped which would've given me away. It was my worst fear realized. "The Americans are in desperate need of supplies, their forces are dwindling by the day from malaria and dysentery. They are in no shape to fight, I say we attack now while we have the advantage. Otherwise in a few months, fresh troops will arrive to reinforce them and we'll be finished." Aurora growled. The Soviet flagship. She ruled with an iron fist and would not take kindly to my intrusion.

"You make a good point. How much time will it take to ready the fleet?" The battleship who must've been Aurora's deputy Potemkin, asked. "Within a day, we've been preparing for quite some time. We are ready, just give the word." Aurora replied.

Potemkin gave her comrade a respectful nod. One thing puzzled me. These were Russian ships. They weren't supposed to be this close to the fighting. So far all the Soviets had done was provide arms to the North Koreans. I looked closely at Aurora. The old cruiser was as strong as ever despite her advanced age. If anything, she looked even more deadly.

This wouldn't be the last time I'd see her as an enemy. I made the mistake of moving too quickly and caused the water to splash sharply against my hull with a loud thunk. Potemkin and Aurora looked my way. I backed up quickly into the shadows.

"What was that?" Aurora asked. "Probably a rock, they fall into the bay all the time now that the roads are in disrepair." Potemkin replied. "No, it sounded like a ship. An American spy perhaps?" Aurora growled.

She approached me quickly. "Wisky." A voice hissed softly. I turned to see large fishing vessel hiding nearby. "This way, Wisky quickly." She hissed. I risked one last look at Aurora and raced into the shelter of a cave. "Carefully, ouch." The vessel hissed.

I couldn't see her but I could feel her hull bumping against mine. The cave was really only big enough to support one. She began backing up farther into it, I started to follow her. "No, one at a time. There's a tunnel behind us that'll lead us out of here. Let me go first and I'll guide you through." She said.

I nodded and let her back into the tunnel. "Ok, now follow." She ordered. I began backing up into the narrow channel. She guided me into it, whispering port or starboard or straight to turn me in the right direction. Before long, we had emerged on the other side. I recognized the area as Ranam 5 miles to the south of Chongjin.

"Thanks." I whispered. "Thank me when we're out of these waters." She hissed. She raced off to the west. "Follow." She ordered. I did.

As soon as the coast had disappeared from view she turned south away from North Korea. Before long we'd crossed the border into South Korea. "Thank you." I panted. She nodded. "You're out of shape." She noticed, prodding me with her bow.

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