Chapter 17

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I woke at around 9:00 that morning. A rustling sound could be heard just outside the tent. Sticking my head out, I nearly collided with New Jersey.

"Oh, sorry Iowa. I didn't know that you were up." She said. "I am now." I replied with a yawn. "Any more pacing and you may as well dredge the harbor here." I said.

"I'm sorry, I'm just..." She began. "Worried about Wisconsin, I know." I assured her. She sighed. "Do you think she's forgiven us yet?" She asked.

"I doubt she ever will but I do think that she's accepted what has been done and must live with it." I replied. "What if she's caught? She ran off to the north, what if she's found up there. The reds don't take prisoners, they kill any American they find." She said.

She began pacing again. "What if they torture her? You know how sensitive she is. It will be agony for her." She moaned. "What are you talking about? She looks just fine to me." I said.

New Jersey stopped pacing and whirled around to see Wisconsin entering the harbor. "Wisconsin!" She squealed happily and raced off to greet her sister.

She took Wisconsin in a tight embrace. Wisconsin seemed a little surprised and slightly miffed at all the attention she was getting. "Don't you ever run off like that again, not without one of us to go with you. You scared me half to death!" New Jersey ordered.

"I won't run off again, I promise." Wisconsin replied, giving her sister a reassuring nuzzle. Next it was my turn. Normally, I'd just hug her and say how happy I was that she was safe but right then I felt really, really angry.

I marched over, furious at her. "You-complete-barnacle-Wisconsin. You- run-off-into-enemy-territory-without-backup. And-you-never-bothered-to-tell-us-if-you-were-ok-and-now-you-come-back-here-after-weeks-and-weeks!" I snapped, timing each word with the repeated blows I threw at her.

"Easy Iowa, no not the face, ouch!" She yelped, trying to back up but there was nowhere for her to go. "Alright, alright that's enough." Missouri ordered, pushing her way past New Jersey.

"Clearly Wisconsin has been through enough Iowa. Do you really want to cause more harm?" She asked. "After what she did, hell yes!" I snapped.

Missouri rolled her eyes. "Just let her be Iowa, ok?" She asked. I huffed. "Fine." I grumbled. "Lucky for you Missouri was here." I hissed at Wisconsin. "Just name the time and place Iowa and I can show you just how fierce I can be." She hissed back.

I grunted and moved back. Missouri now moved forward to greet her younger sister. "Did Iowa get you bad?" She asked. "Hardly, her blows were more like gentle swells if you ask me and their aim was as such." Wisconsin replied.

I growled. "At ease Iowa." Missouri ordered. I nodded and backed off. "You caused quite a scare, and worried quite a few ships." She said sternly. Wisconsin nodded sadly. "I'm sorry." She whispered. Missouri smiled and nuzzled her.

"It's alright, the important thing is you're back safe and sound." She replied. She pulled back to look at her. "You've lost weight." She noticed, seeing the lack of a bulge along Wisconsin's side. "Yeah, I find that actually using the stuff works better than intense exercise." She replied.

"Clever, I wouldn't have thought of that as it doesn't help with muscle buildup." New Jersey muttered. Wisconsin smiled. "I have a way to get around that." She said.

"Oh, how?" New Jersey asked. Wisconsin grinned. "I'll show you." She said. Still grinning, she reared up, raising her bow as high out of the water as she could, placing all her weight on her hind quarters.

The Iowa Sisters #2 The Red NorthWhere stories live. Discover now