Chapter 20

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The armistice had been called a few hours earlier and not surprisingly, everyone was cheering their heads off. All except me that is. I was with 210.

The old YO had been sick for weeks. Her wounds she received from two bombs during a battle had become infected. Washington and Enterprise were hurt too and the latter nearly died but she was now up and around, helping New Jersey as fleet healer.

My sister was doing a great job, that was for sure. Washington was on the mend and South Dakota made to see her sister every day.

"Hear that sis, the war is over." She proclaimed happily. "Aww, I wanted to get a few more shots in." Washington complained. South Dakota laughed. "Ah well, you never know when the Russians might start something again." She assured her.

"And when they do, they'll find a whole lot of ugly waiting for them." Washington promised. "With 16 in guns to boot." South Dakota added. "Oh yeah." Washington muttered.

I turned my attention back to my injured friend. 210 was sleeping but the noise had woken her up. She groaned and opened her eyes.

"What's with all the racket?" She asked me. "War's over, armistice has been called." I replied. "Hmm, isn't over 'till the treaty's signed." She said.

"That is something that I doubt the North will ever do." I muttered. "Don't be such a downer, it could happen it's just unlikely." She chided. "Ok 210." I agreed.

I nuzzled her. "How are you feeling?" I asked. She shrugged. "If you want me to be honest, I'm as sore as heck." She muttered. "You were hit by two bombs." I reminded her.

"True, I probably should feel worse." She said. "What were you doing there anyway?" I asked. "I saw the task force and knew of the threat of the airbase nearby. I was on my way to warn them about it and possibly provide a distraction for the incoming planes." She replied.

During all patrols, radio silence was the key. No ship could talk to each other via radio, they had to rely on their Morse lamps. This meant that 210 would have to get within visual range of the fleet to warn them, putting her directly in the line of fire.

"And you intercepted the two weapons that were aimed at Enterprise." I asked. She nodded. "Why, you could've been killed." I whispered.

"And she certainly would've been if I hadn't intervened. A fishing boat vs. naval healer I think it's obvious who the more important one here is." She replied.

"But you're important too. You're my friend!" I exclaimed. "And how many friends have you lost already Wisky you tell me?" She retorted.

I sighed. "More than I care to count." I replied. "Precisely, they knew what was more important and it certainly wasn't themselves. As I said before Wisky, not everyone has a second chance at life like you and so we have to make the most of the time we have and if that means dying for our friends, so be it." She said.

"210, I've already lost so many to warfare. I can't lose you too." I moaned. "You won't, I'm not going anywhere just yet." She promised.

"You still didn't answer my question, why did you do it?" I asked. "I'm curious to know as well." Enterprise added, coming over. She was looking better every day but she still favored her injured port side.

Her blue eyes were locked on 210. "Without you En, most of the fleet could be dead right now, Wisconsin included. She's my friend, you're my friend and I'd gladly give my life for you both." She replied.

"There is no greater love man has than laying his life down for his friends." I muttered before I could stop myself. Enterprise stared at me. "Where did you learn that?" She asked.

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