Chapter 6

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Arriving at Incheon in mid-September I was struck at how devastated the area was. Not just from the invading North, but from my ceaseless bombardment. "I always knew I could throw a punch, I didn't realize I could toss a bomb too." I muttered.

"That's war, if you remember it correctly." Captain Sylvester said. "Yeah, yeah how can I forget? Cause no one lets me, that's why." I grumbled. "Hey now, spray your venom at the enemy not me!" He complained.

Nearby, a destroyer was signaling us as we entered the harbor. "Hey Mo, find any mudbanks to sit on?" She called. I gritted my teeth together. "Watch it small fry, I've got the real guns here." I hissed and continued on my way.

"Missouri, honestly was that really necessary, she was just teasing?" Captain Sylvester asked. "Yes, it was." I muttered. He sighed.

Vice Admiral A. D. Struble came onboard and broke his flag. I was now flagship of the United States 7th Fleet. Also onboard were the Rear Admirals A. E. Smith and J. M. Higgins, the commander of cruiser division 5 (CruDiv5).

"Any more brass and I may as well be painted gold not gray." I grumbled. "Missouri, what's gotten into you?" Captain Sylvester exclaimed. I shrugged. He sighed. "Behave." He instructed and left the bridge to meet with the admirals.

"Seems like somebody's not happy to have us here." Admiral Smith said. "I don't know what's gotten into her, she usually loves being a flagship." Captain Sylvester said. "I do not! I haven't since Tokyo!" I growled. He ignored me.

"What are our orders?" He asked. "We're to travel to Wonsan and join the carrier fleet. We'll be close to the coast so you can fire at shore installations." Admiral Smith said.

"Finally, I thought I was just going to parade around with a bunch of brass onboard." I muttered. Captain Sylvester was about to reprimand me for this but Admiral Smith beat him to it. "That's quite enough Missouri." He ordered. "Yes, sir." I said, unable to completely hide the sarcasm in my voice.

"I'm sorry about this, she's usually quite friendly." Captain Sylvester apologized. Admiral Smith smiled. "Don't worry about it, I know she can be friendly when she wants to be but clearly she's not in a good mood right at the moment." He said.

"You've got that right you brassy, stern-faced, propping, limpykeeling seagulldeck." When I said this, Admiral Smith's face turned as red as a tomato and Captain Sylvester looked as though he'd die of embarrassment. "Captain," the admiral began. "It's in the hold." Captain Sylvester replied. "Shall I go and get it for you?" He asked. "Yes, at once." Admiral Smith replied.

Captain Sylvester ran down into my hold and found a crate labeled ambergris. I knew I was going to get it this time. "Where did you learn such language?" Admiral Smith asked. I kept my mouth shut, not wanting to give the answer away but the image of a three funneled Cunard liner with violet eyes came into focus.

"I should've known Queen Mary would be behind this." He muttered. Captain Sylvester had brought several bars of the stuff. "Should I do it or should you do it?" He asked. "Since her words were directed at me and since you're the captain, I say we both do it." Admiral Smith replied.

I barely had time to brace myself before the whole crate of ambergris was dumped in my mouth. The stuff was made from melted whale blubber and was extremely valuable on the open market. It was usually used in our lube oil as a sort of healthy preservative and like all healthy things, it tasted awful straight up.

I shuddered and tried to spit it out but the workmen used the cranes to clamp my mouth shut. I couldn't open it again until the ambergris had dissolved and since it was impossible for me to chew it that could take all day.

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