Chapter 22

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I led my sisters on a southwesterly course. It was a month earlier, as we were preparing to leave Korea that I'd gotten Queen Mary's invitation. Most of the White Star and Cunard fleets would be there and since Miami was on American soil, she'd invited the US navy to come.

I sure hoped she knew how many ships she was inviting. The navy had quite a few. I decided to keep it a secret from my sisters and surprise them, much to Iowa's dissatisfaction. She hated being kept in the dark.

"Missouri," She complained. "You still haven't told us where we're going." I smiled. "You'll see soon enough." I promised.

"Humph." Iowa muttered. New Jersey was following right behind her. Suddenly, Iowa came down off a swell and nearly hit New Jersey. "Iowa, be careful!" The healer complained.

"Sorry New Jersey, you shouldn't be following so close." Iowa replied. "Don't recite the Rules of the Sea to me missy, I have them memorized." New Jersey hissed.

"Then why don't you follow them and back off." Iowa replied. New Jersey sighed, doing as Iowa asked. "Missouri, how much longer 'till we get there?" She asked.

"We get there when we get there, Big J." Wisconsin replied, pulling up alongside. "What did I tell you about calling me that?" New Jersey hissed. Wisconsin rolled her eyes. "What's the worst you can do, fling water at me." She replied.

New Jersey glared at her sister. "Enough." I ordered simply, trying to break up a fight before it occurred. "We do have a time schedule and I'd like to be on time. It's not every day a unique event like this occurs." I replied.

"Missouri, why don't you just tell us where we're going?" New Jersey asked. "Fine, we're going to Miami." I replied. "Oooh, I've been wanting to work on my tan." Iowa said.

"You're a battleship, you can't get a tan." New Jersey reminded her. "So, the sun still feels really good." Iowa replied, looking dreamily off in the distance.

"You're impossible." New Jersey muttered. Wisconsin snickered. "You're not in a position to laugh at me Wisky." Iowa hissed. "That is said and done with Iowa." Wisconsin replied.

"At least until we get put back into mothballs." New Jersey muttered. "Then you'll be unable to resist with everyone around you eating it." Iowa added. "And you'll be shoving your face into the bowl and be eating it by the gallon once again." I finished.

"I will not!" Wisconsin exclaimed. "We'll see Wisky, we shall see." I said ominously. "Think they'll let us be together there?" Iowa asked.

"You've got me, they didn't last time did they?" New Jersey replied. "But that was because Missouri was still in active service, at the personal request of the president of course." Iowa replied, staring cheekily at me.

I groaned. "And I did tell Truman to put me into mothballs but nooooo, he didn't want his favorite battleship to get all rusty." I muttered.

"Ah come on we're just playing with ya. After all it could've been worse." New Jersey said. Wisconsin nodded. She opened her mouth to say something, and then thought better of it. I knew that whatever she was going to say wasn't good. I shrugged. It could wait, Wisconsin was smart enough to tell us when the time was right.

As we entered Florida's coastal waters after passing through Panama I broke the news. "Alright girls, I suggest you put the makeup and high heels on 'cause we're going to a wedding!" I said.

Iowa's eyes gleamed. "A wedding here? Whose." She said excitedly. "Queen Mary's getting married to Ile de France." I replied.

"WHAT!" Iowa exclaimed. "Oh that lucky girl." New Jersey murmured enviously. "I knew it, I just knew it!" Wisconsin sang happily.

The Iowa Sisters #2 The Red NorthOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora