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"Elephant Elephant" - Evelyn Evelyn

above drawing belongs to me

the new work day had barely started and you were already swarmed by people, in a positive way i suppose. chihiro had published the edition you were in the other day, and people went crazy about it. not only was it the first time the public technically saw your face, it let them see deeper into your personality.

you were flattered, you really were, but you just didn't know how to react to it all. you thanked the people who were complimenting you, taking pictures with the people you could, and signing the things you can grab. you didn't know how to tell everyone that you had a job to do, but they eventually got the memo.

you sigh, having a few minutes to yourself before you officially start your patrol. jeez louise. how do heroes more popular than you do this everyday? you look at the trees blowing softly in the wind, thankful for the second of peace.

you're a few hours in, about to pass a clothing store when you hear someone call for you. "ah! mx. discordant!" you stop, standing awkwardly as you try to find whoever had called out to you. they had a more masculine, soft voice. it was kind of interesting.

you're about to continue walking before they say, "down here!" you slowly look down, seeing an extremely...interesting person. they were an animal of some sort, walking on two legs. though, they looked oddly familiar.

you tilt your head, confused on why the principal of UA was stopping you. or why he was even talking to you. what business did he have with you? he smiles up at you, barely reaching above your knees. you nod your head at him, telling him nonverbally to continue.

"i apologize for stopping you, i know you're busy working at the moment, but i wanted to talk to you."

you wait patiently for him to continue, your neck getting a bit sore for looking down that much.

"you went to UA, yes? i think it would be lovely if you came to the school to teach our hero course something. it can only be one time if you'd like."

you stand there for a good 5 seconds, registering what he had just said. what? i mean..huh? sure, you used to go to UA, but why should you go back? you're sure they have plenty of teachers. this was such short notice.

you sputter slightly, not knowing how to respond or say no. "well, i mean- i don't- uh..maybe. i'm not sure. i'm very inexperienced with teaching, i don't know what i'd teach anyways." he smile never falters, like it always does.

"no need to worry about that! if you agree, we could have a meeting about it at the school. it'd be an honor to have one of our top students back, even if it's just once."

you grip your pants slightly, shoulders tensing a bit. it..sounded fun. maybe. you weighed the pros and cons once more, like you did for the photoshoot.

why not?

you nod slowly, "i'd like to talk about it more. not sure if i will but it sounds nice." the older..bear? mouse? whatever he is, he cheers to himself. "what day would be best for you?"

you both set up a day, before he wishes you well and lets you go back to patrolling. oh boy.

time passed almost annoyingly slow, like it knew how restless you were getting. the day approached quietly, until it was finally saturday and you were outside the school. he had told you to wait outside the school so that you wouldn't get crushed by the school's security system.

you were wearing a comfy outfit, consisting of a blue button up cardigan with a clown on it, white shorts with primary colored polka dots, long white socks with a smiley face pattern, and the boots you wear everyday. while waiting, you ruffle your hair, checking your notifications.

you're broken out of your zoned out state when you hear nezu greet you. you look down at him, seeing him peeking around the corner of the gate. "are you ready to come in?" he asks. you nod, following him in.

a wave of nostalgia hits you like a punch to the face. you hadn't been here for nearly 10 years, and although you missed being younger, you sure didn't miss in school. especially when they didn't accommodate for anything. you vividly remember the days you could barely get out bed, being forced to with fear of getting expelled. or maybe you days the only thing you could do to cope was to scream into your pillows.

you had fun sometimes, but really it was simply awful to be a studying hero. the both of you enter his office, sitting down across from each other at his desk. he smiles, intertwining his fingers. menacing little man.

he starts the conversation with explaining his ideas. "you could teach our first years something! i saw the magazine photos and the interview, and i think you'd be able to teach them something valuable. maybe it could be flexibility classes or how to keep their emotions in check when under pressure, anything like that!"

you immediately thought, 'i could probably do both.' though, you didn't wanna bite off more than you could chew, so you stayed quiet as he continued. "you'd be working with heroes that i'm sure you know of! all might is going to start working for us in about a week, same time as the new first years joining us. we'd be paying you of course, whether it's just one time or several."

you begin to think about the future heroes these kids would become. you wanted to be apart of why they do so well. maybe it's because you feel guilty for your sister's death, you didn't really know but what you did know was that you wanted to do this.

when he stops talking, thats when you speak up. "i think i'd like to. i could teach them yoga to gain flexibility, though obviously it'll take a good amount of time. we can start with just one class, and continue from there if they're up for it."

nezu clasps his paws together, closing his eyes, his smile still stuck on his face. "wonderful! we can start in a few weeks, if you're available."

you both set up a date, three weeks from now, and you leave with a folder of all the first years in the hero course. this would help with getting familiar with the students' abilities.

you had a feeling you'd be even more restless for this to come than you were for this meeting.

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