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"National Emblem" - Paul Eakins' Tangley Calliope

it was time, finally the day you had been so antsy about. you were going to be teaching 1A today! you had started the day with your favorite breakfast food, petting mikuru for a few minutes, before leaving your apartment and approaching the day with high hopes.

you drive to UA, getting out of your car, lanyard in hand. the lanyard was so the gate didn't crush you. it was just a temporary thing, just for today incase you didn't want to teach again after this. though, you had a feeling you would need a permanent one.

you weren't in your hero costume, opting for a white tank top with rainbow stars, yellow and pink color blocked sweats with a little clown near the left pocket, and primary colored sneakers. you walk into the school, immediately going to the staff room, hoping to find aizawa. you wanted to verify the class schedule, not wanting to fuck it up on your first day. embarrassing even thinking about it.

you find the staff room, and aizawa is there, he's just...asleep. cool. you stand there for a bit, looking over at the few others. you find a teacher with long blonde hair, shaped in a way that reminded you of a cockatiel. if you remembered correctly, this was present mic, who taught english for class 1A. instead of waking up the sleep deprived teacher, you decide to go to present mic. he probably had a clue of the schedule, maybe.

upon getting closer to the blonde, it looks like he was working on something, listening to something with his headphones. you should definitely get headphones if you're gonna be working here. you tap him on the shoulder, causing him to stop, look up at you and smile, taking his headphones off. "you're the newbie, yeah?"

you nod, scratching your left cheek lightly. "yes. i was going to ask aizawa about the schedule, but he seems to be asleep." the blonde looks over at his buddy, laughing at the predicament you were in. he goes over the class schedule with you, how long your class would be, and what time you would come in. you were going to be the first class the students had, then you were going to nezu's office to talk with him about how it went.

"ah alright. thank you, present mic." he grins at you, "no problem! you can just call me yamada." you nod, "then you can call me (Y/N). i always preferred it over my last name."

you both talk for a bit. you found it easy to speak to him. he kept one topic going for a bit, then went to a different one, and so on. the both of you lost track of time, only realizing that fact when more teachers had entered the room and aizawa had woken up.

you say goodbye to your new friend and leave once aizawa gets up, slowing your pace to keep yourself next to him. you always did that, maybe to seem more polite. no one really liked being left behind when you were supposed to be hanging out or simply going to the same place.

walking through the halls brought a lot of nostalgia to you, passing classes you remembered walking past every day for three years, even passing the cabinet that held every person who graduated top of their class. you were on there. it helped calm down the jitters you felt.

though the walk was silent, it felt like you didn't need to speak. you didn't feel pressured to fill the silence with meaningless conversation, and you were thankful for that. you both arrive at class 1A, you being told to stay outside till he tells you to come inside. you stare at the door, much taller than you are, though not surprising. this school is supposed to teach students the way of hero work, and being under 6' is sometimes unrealistic when people like you and all might exist.

you can hear the conversation inside the class die down once aizawa enters. you choose not to listen to the ensuing chatter, giving the students and headroom teacher privacy. your fidgeting hands twist and scrunch your lanyard when you hear aizawa call you in.

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