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"I'm a Member of the Midnight Crew" - Eddie Morton

trying to fight whatever 'nomu' is was probably one of the most straining things you've experienced in your entire life. dodging this mammoth of a creature while also trying to hurt it wasn't exactly easy. you weren't using your quirk, mainly because you forgot you even had one.

you only remember when nomu finally touches you, the punch doing literally nothing. nomu keeps attacking you, having been ordered to, despite you being unaffected. the people watching stare in shock, nomu's hits getting faster and more frequent, starting to push you back a bit.

it isn't until you catch both of its fists in your palms does it stop. while keeping nomu in place, you avert your eyes toward the seemingly pissed off blue haired villain. he had begun to scratch at his neck furiously, before he stopped and turned towards the green and purple students standing in the water, murmuring something.

your eyes widen ever so slightly, your attention quickly going back to the nomu. you slam your forehead against its..brain, effectively causing it to freeze, having stopped time for it.

this would only last for about a minute if you were lucky, so you had to be quick. you see the villain sprint toward the trio of students, you running towards him to hopefully stop him. you pass aizawa, unfortunately being too late, the villain reaching his hand toward the single girl's face, who you recognized as asui. you stop when you notice everything had gone silent, the villain's hand stopping just an inch from her face. you can only assume the fallen UA teacher had done something.

you hear the villain utter under his breath, which zones you back into the present. you continue toward the villain, grabbing him quickly and shoving him into the water, away from the- no, your students. sitting on his back, accidentally popping a few of his joints, you listen to the fast approaching footsteps, from what you could only guess to be nomu.

your piercing eyes redirect themselves to the approaching experiment. before you could think of a solution, the kid you recognized as midoriya used his quirk on the being. he had said something that you distinctly remember as something similar to something all might say's when using his quirk. "smash". hm.

though, this does nothing to deter the beast, only causing its attention to be transferred to the short, freckled boy. nomu grabs his arm, lifting him up into the air. the following few seconds happen in slow mo, asui wrapping her tongue around midoryia's torso, nomu reaching for midoriya's face, and the villain reaching for your mask. a loud explosion is heard from the entrance. all might was here.

loud footsteps echo through the quiet facility, his usual expression being completely wiped off his face as he says comforting words toward the students in danger.

"have no fear, students. i am here!" mineta, crying loudly, cheers in a relieved tone of voice. all might throws his coat to the side, the villain lifting his head from the water to see. he sighs in a sort of twisted contentment. "looks like our game's getting a 'continue'."

you adjust your hold and position on the villain, not wanting to drown him, so you stand him up. you weren't especially fond of accidentally killing people. all might goes on a spiel about his trip here, wondering why thirteen and aizawa weren't answering his calls, and running into iida just like you had done.

the villain opens his big mouth again, this time insulting the #1 hero. "after all this waiting..the heroic piece of trash shows up," ending the sentence with a laugh. the few remaining villains converse about killing all might, but are too slow for the hero's speed. he knocks each one out, picking up aizawa on the way, before grabbing the trio you were near as well. he informs the kids to take aizawa to the entrance.

"i see that you were also informed of what was going on here, discordant." you nod, tightening your grip on the blue haired man. "i thank you for your help, but i would appreciate it if you go with the kids. they need to feel safe." though you didn't like leaving the older man with a brute like nomu, you listen to your boss, believing he could do this on his own. you look down at the villain you're holding, eyeing the hand on top of his head, snatching it off. it brings two more hands with it, shoving the villain forward as he scrambles to touch his head.

you walk toward the students holding aizawa, taking the man from them and handing the hands over to asui. you're sure to be mindful of his wounds, walking in front of the trio. "he'll be fine. he's the number 1 for a reason."

those words seem to comfort at least two of them, though you're aware of midoriya's obvious anxiety over the situation. you're very sensitive to the slight differences of a person's feelings. you walk with them for a bit before midoriya runs toward all might. you look back, seeing that all might had gotten injured. you were about to follow, but more of the powerful students join in, helping the pro hero.

you decide that, although you didn't want to, the logical thing to do was to keep going up the stairs. all might would be fine, and you're positive the kids would be fine as well. the man you were holding makes a sound of pain, which made your choice more easy to make. aizawa was at risk of dying, and you decided the others were not.

you tell the kids to keep walking with you, them following after a few seconds. you're able to get to the top quickly, stopping every once in a while to let the teenagers catch up. getting to the top of the stairs, you set the man down gently, looking over his wounds. broken arms, a decayed elbow, and broken bones in the face. you reach behind your back, making a first aid kit appear out of nothing.

you ignore the fighting, choosing to patch the man up to help your own anxieties over the fight. you mainly just try to stop any bleeding and clean him up. you left his broken bones alone, not trusting yourself to set them properly.

listening to the fighting, you attention is suddenly brought to nomu being punched out of the facility through the roof. you slowly look back down at the man, continuing to help as much as you could.

suddenly, the staff from UA burst through the entrance, the pro hero snipe shooting the villains in non-life threatening places. you look up, waiting for someone to take the injured heroes.

the facility is thoroughly checked, taking every student and criminal out of the building. the villains are arrested, and the four injured good guys are taken to a hospital and UA's nurse's office. you stay with your students, deciding it best to finally introduce yourself.

you tilt your head towards the large group, "my name is (Y/N) (L/N), but you may know me as discordant. it's unfortunate we meet like this. i'm sure you have been informed of a new teacher joining you in a week or so, and that would be me." you stare of them all, noting that you hadn't seen aoyama at all in the facility, though it was the same for a few of the others.

what was a bit was how he was asking some of the others if they had known where he was before saying it was a secret. maybe he's just eccentric.

you leave after the class was sent back to school, you deciding to get back to your patrol, as best you could. your costume still felt wet from being in the water, and it made you cringe from every step you made.

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