"Care to dance?"

557 8 18

Extra Characters : Smallishbeans, LDShadowlady

Mentions : fWhip, Sausage, Gem, Shubble, Katherine, Pearl and Joey

Theme : Fluff

Setting : Season one empires smp

Requested By : N/A


"Woohoo, congratulations to my favorite seabling and Joel on your marriage!!" Jimmy exclaimed.

"Jimmy I'm your only seabling-" Lizzie giggled a bit.

"I know but still, congrats!" Jimmy said.

Scott walked up to the three.

"Congratulations Ocean Queen and king of Mezalea on your marriage." Scott said.

"Thanks-" Joel said.

Lizzie elbowed Joel side whispering to Joel saying "Be nice Joel!" to him.

"I mean, thank you Scott!" Joel said in a forced tone.

"Thank you Scott, it means a lot!" Lizzie said.

Joel looked up at Lizzie to meet her glare.

"Care to dance Lizzie?" Joel asked holding his hand out to Lizzie.

"I would love to join you in this dance Joel!" Lizzie took his hand and they both walked off to dance.

That just left Scott and Jimmy alone, there was a bit of awkward silence but it didn't last long.

"So- Scott of Rivendell, care to join me for this dance?" Jimmy asked not really meeting Scott's glare.

Scott debated for a moment.

"You know what, let's dance cod boy." The ruler of Rivendell said holding his hand out to Jimmy.

"It's Codfather to you!" Jimmy said in mock offense taking Scott's hand.

"Codfather, Cod boy, same difference-" Scott led the pair on to the dance floor.

There were some people on the dance floor, the newly wedded couple, the ruler of the grimlands and myth land just having a dance battle with Gem supervising them,of course Joey was in the corner asking himself why his "date" ditched him, and Shubble and Katherine have a conversation with Pearl.

Scott stopped leading the two and turned and faced Jimmy, matching the Codfathers glare.

"Scott, this is a bit awkward to mention, but I've never really danced with someone like this before, I've never really been a fan of ballroom type dances." Jimmy quietly said.

"Well I can teach you then Codboy-" Scott exclaimed.

Scott still holding Jimmy hand took Jimmy's other hand.

The next few moments between the two was Scott teaching Jimmy how to ballroom dance with him, Jimmy occasionally stepping on Scott's foot by accident.

Eventually Jimmy got the hang of it and was now gracefully dancing with Scott.

"You know, for a cod you sure are a fast learner." Scott said with a smile on his face glaring into Jimmy's eyes.

"I try." Jimmy said with a small chuckle.

Out of nowhere Scott just dipped Jimmy leaving Jimmy speechless.

"I- SCOTT!!" Jimmy exclaimed obviously being caught off guard.

"This is apart of the the routine Jimmy, it's totally normal." Scott said in a calm tone of voice.

"A heads up would've been nice y'know!" Jimmy exclaimed.

"Well life is unexpected so get used to it." Scott chuckled.

The night ended with the two dancing the night away without a care in the world.

Before the pair left to return to their respective empires Scott gave Jimmy a poppy and said "That was lovely Jimmy, maybe we should do this again sometimes." Scott said with a smile before he flew off leaving Jimmy to walk back to his empire.


Word Count : 573

A/N : that was a nice chapter to write, it was a nice change of pace instead of working on art, anyways who's excited for the next session of Double Life?

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