"Starry Tears?"

192 3 0

Extra Characters : GeminiTay

Mentions : N/A

Theme : Angst

Setting : Empires Season 1

Requested By : @Imgaey_69

A/N ; This was so gut wretching to write so I hope you enjoy it!


Scott can't describe what he's feeling, he's never really felt this way about someone, but Jimmy... Jimmy was different.

He knows that they are allies, but he just has this feeling that maybe, in another life, they knew each other.

But everytime, he tries to bring it up, he gets cut off by Jimmy rambling, he doesn't mind, but it does kinda hurt a bit.

Is this love he's feeling? It can't be... could it? Maybe it could be, maybe not.

Scott was in the middle of some deep thinking when a certain Codboy stuck up on him.

"Hiya Scott!" Jimmy said.

"ACK- Holy Aeor, Jimmy, you scared me-" Scott said, startled.

Jimmy raised his hands "Sorry, sorry, my bad, should've given you a heads up I was coming over-"

Scott chuckled a little "Jimmy, it's fine, it's alright, I know you didn't mean to scare me that badly."

Jimmy came to drop something off, and as quickly as he arrived, he left.

Scott waved bye, but it just kinda hurts a bit. He walked inside his house and to his room, he felt tears streaming down his face.

Only these tears, didn't feel like nor looked like normal tears, but looked more star like.

Scott sat in shock for a moment. Then he ran to his desk and started as quickly as possible started writing a letter to Gem, as he knew these aren't what tears are supposed to look like.

After finishing the letter he put it in a envelope, sealed it and gave it to his owl to take to Gem.

For some odd reason unknown to Scott, after he started having these tears, his vision got very blurry.

- The world's most unnecessary timeskip later -

Gem, rather then replying to the letter, she flew all the way to Rivendell.


"All the way from Crystal Cliffs, damn-" Scott said.

"Now's not the time to be a theatre kid, this is serious Scott!" Gem stated.

"Sorry, sorry- you said the line and I had to respond" Scott said.

Gem facepalmed, "Scott, as I was saying, this is serious, from what you've told me in the letter, that sounds like Star Tears disease." Gem said.

"A what disease now-?" Scott asked.

"Star Tears Disease, it happens when there is unrequited love." Gem said.

"Wait so your telling me, the feelings I had for Jimmy, it was unrequited love-" Scott questioned.

"Yes, exactly- and the only way it will go away is if Jimmy returns the feelings, though the side effects won't go away even if he does." Gem said.

"Wait- hold up, what side effects-" Scott asked, puzzled.

"The side effects are, in most cases you be come colour blind, or in very rare cases, you could lose your vision, forever..." Gem said.

"I beg your pardon- I could lose WHAT-?!?" Scott said panicked.

"Your vision, but we've already discussed that, your best bet is to see if Jimmy feels the same Scott." Gem said sorrowfully.

"Oh-" Scott said.

"Yeah, that's the only way it will go away-" Gem said.

Scott was at a lost for words. He didn't think Jimmy could ever love a man like him, with his evil demon older brother, and his ice powers, hell after he got them, he was so scared to even go near Jimmy's base.

"So my best bet is to see if Jimmy feels the same, or to try and forget about Jimmy-?" He asked Gem.

"Even if you did forget Jimmy and move on, the side effects will still be there, I'm sorry, but those are just the facts-" Gem said.

"I am sorry to be the bearer of bad news Scott." Gem said.

Scott was heartbroken and puzzled.

"Gem, I think I need sometime to myself, to process this information-" Scott told to Gem.

"Understood, I will be at the Crystal Cliffs if you need anything." Gem stated.

And just like that, Gem was gone, and Scott was alone.

"I don't think Jimmy could ever love a man like me-" Scott said laying down in his bed, and trying to fall asleep.


A/N And that is the end! I really hope you like it! And thank you so much for the request! This has been sitting in my drafts for awhile, but I am so glad I got some time off of work and school to post this!

Anyways there's a new life series starting possibly in March, who's excited for that?

Word Count ; 787

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