"Target on your back?"

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Extra Characters : Scar and Grian

Mentions : Martyn, Ren and Skizzleman

Theme : Angst

Setting : Third Life

Requested By : N/A

TW : Death and some yelling!!!!


Jimmy was running though the woods trying to get away from Martyn, but Martyn was much faster then Jimmy was.

Jimmy tripped over a log, stupid cover of night making it so difficult to see.

Jimmy's heart stopped when he heard Martyn was getting closer and closer just hearing Martyn calling out his name, it felt like a twisted game of hide and seek.

"Jimmy, where are you, we can just talk this out-" Martyn called out still looking for Jimmy.

Jimmy's hand just flew to his mouth as he was waiting for Martyn to walk past, eventually the footsteps got more faint as Martyn walked off to continue to search for Jimmy.

Jimmy finally sat up and tried to stand up but it has seemed he has twisted his ankle, just great, another problem added to his night while trying to make it back to the safety of home.

As he tried to limp back he just felt his eyes get heavy as he was starting to drift off into a slumber.

Everything went black.

Some hours later...

Jimmy woke up, he was at home, was that all just a bad dream?

He stood up and his leg was fine.

He heard Scott calling for him in the distance and went to go check it out.

"Hey Scott!" Jimmy called out to Scott.

"Finally Jimmy your awake!! I've been calling for you for hours!!" Scott exclaimed.

"My bad, must've been some nightmare that kept me asleep for that long." Jimmy said.

"It's fine, I can't blame you for having nightmares knowing that we have so many people out to get us and the sand people." Scott remarked.

"So what's on the agenda today Scott?" Jimmy asked with curiosity.

"We're going to go speak with Scar and Grian to talk about what to do about that massive target on our back from Ren and Martyn." Scott said.

Jimmy noticed something off with Scott's voice, it didn't have that same spark as it did before when everyone was green.

"That sounds like a plan!" Jimmy said.

"Let's go then Jim!" Scott said.

The pair made their way over to the desert where Scar and Grian lived, being mindful of the lava that surrounds the desert.

"Hey Grian and Scar!" Jimmy and Scott said at almost the exact same time.

"Hey Timmy, hey Scott." Grian said.

"Hey you two!" Scar said.

"So we all know why we are here right?" Grian asked.

The three nodded.

"Good, now let's go over the plan one more time just for good measure." Grian said with a serious tone.

"Grian we've gone over this plan several times, I think we got it." Scott remarked.

"I am aware, but we are going over it to ensure that Scar and Timmy understand it given they are red, if they screw up, it's game over for them." Grian said.

The four spent the next thirty minutes going over the plan of how they were going to set off TNT after luring renchanting and co over so they could get their banner back, and Grian and Scott made their point very, very clear to Scar and Jimmy how they must stay in the obsidian box for their own safety, since unlike Grian and Scott, they can't afford to die another time, as that would be a instant game over.

"Everyone understand the plan. And you have to be honest as it is for your own sake to get that target off our back." Grian said.

Again like earlier the three nodded.

The four parted ways, Jimmy and Scar going into the obsidian box and Scott and Grian out to fight renchanting and co.

It wasn't even ten minutes in and there was already sounds of fights and yelling.

"SCAR PUSH THE BUTTON!!!" Grian yelled at he was in close quarters combat with someone.

Scar pushed the button. The TNT went off, exploding almost everyone but not killing them, only weakening them.

Jimmy didn't want to be caught in the crossfire anymore and ran to the ladder and started climbing down it, but was unfortunately shot and died.

< SolidarityGaming was shot by Skizzleman >

Scott read the chat message and was instantly heartbroken, shortly after he was killed himself getting bought down to his yellow life.


Word count : 772 words

A/N so wow, that was eventful to write, I know some of what happened didn't actually happen but, y'know just wanted to make it seem a bit more dramatic.

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