"I told you not to touch it!"

304 1 2

Extra Characters : N/A

Mentions : N/A

Theme : AU?

Setting : A Cave, the deep dark and Scott and Jimmy's base

Trigger warnings : Mentions of possible death, yelling and infection type stuff

Requested By : N/A


Scott was in the caves with Jimmy just doing some mining and chatting.

"Hey, Jimmy I think I might go deeper for better luck to find the diamonds we need." Scott exclaimed.

"Alright than Scott, just be careful, I heard there's weird looking stuff down there that could harm us or worse-" Jimmy said.

"Jimmy, I promise I'll be careful, I have my potions, armor, and my other important stuff." Scott said glaring down a hole in the ground that leads to unknown territory.

"Okay then- but if I find out you get hurt down there, your not going back down, got it?" Jimmy asked.

"Fine." Scott said.

"Now help lower me down safety Jimmy-" Scott exclaimed.

Jimmy sighed and agreed and helped Scott get deeper in the caves.

"Shout for me if you need anything, okay Scott?" Jimmy said glaring at Scott.

"I will Jimmy-" Scott said before he was cut off.

"Scott before you go- please remember not to touch the weird looking stuff-" Jimmy said.

"I promise I'll be safe Jimmy-" Scott said now finally matching Jimmy's glare.

The two waved goodbye and Scott set off.

Scott grumbled at not being able to find the diamonds and still continued to go farther into the caves.

Scott ran into a strange looking moss, At least he thinks it's moss but it's too dim to see it properly.

He went farther into the area, eventually finding his diamonds and mined them up.

As he mined them up he set off a near by shrieker causing him to accidentally jump back into the sculk infected walls, getting sculk stuff on him, he decided it was a good time to go and looked for his way back.

On his way out he accidentally set off another shrieker, according to the legend if he can remember it correctly, if he set off another one, he was going to spawn a ancient being, that some called the Warden.

Just when Scott thought he was in the clear, the third one went off, causing his vision to go dim, nearly into darkness and he heard shrieks from the Warden and started running.

Scott got hit by one shriek on the way out.

"JIMMY! HELP ME- ANYWAY, JUST HELP ME!!!" Scott exclaimed in fear as he ran towards Jimmy's voice.

"Scott!" Jimmy exclaimed as he quickly helped Scott out as fast as possible before the two sealed that part of the cave off with cobblestone.

"Scott! Are you okay???" Jimmy asked, worried for Scott.

"I think so-" Scott said scratching the area on his arm where the sculk infected blocks touched him.

"Scott what's that on your arm-" Jimmy asked out of curiosity.

"Uh, my skin?" Scott was too tired after the near death encounter with the warden.

Jimmy sighed "There's the Scott Smajor I know, making a joke no matter what just happened."

The two eventually decided it would be best to go back home and let Scott get some rest.

On the walk back home Jimmy noticed a sculk coloured mark on Scott's arm but just brushed it off thinking it was probably just the blue from Scott's jacket.

Boy was he going to regret brushing it off tomorrow morning.

They decided to call it a night after that near death encounter, and both headed to sleep.

The next morning. (wow the unnecessary timeskip)

Jimmy woke up to Scott shrieking, he ran to Scott's room.

"Scott! What is wrong? Why are you yelling at this time of the morning?!?" Jimmy questioned Scott.

"Jimmy, not sure if you realized but my arm- it's sculk infected-" Scott said sarcastically.

"Wait really?" Jimmy asked.

"Yes really Jimmy-" Scott said lifting up his arm, now it was Jimmy's turn to scream.


"A sculk infection Jim." Scott said looking down at his arm.

"Scott, you didn't buy chance touch the sculk right?" Jimmy asked.

"I accidentally did yesterday--" The realization hit Scott like a trainwreck "That explains the sculk now-" Scott said calmly.

"Scott, how are you being calm in a moment like this, you could die Scott, this isn't something to take light-hearted." Jimmy said signing while rubbing his fingers against his temple.

"I know Jimmy, but I need to stay calm, as freaking out isn't going to be doing me any favors." Scott said getting up to see if the sculk spread to more then just his arm.

"Okay, good news, it's just on my arm and not anywhere else, bad news, it doesn't look like it's going away anytime soon though-" Scott said.

"Scott this isn't good-" Jimmy said.

"I know, but standing around isn't going to do us any favors, let's go try to find something or someone to help me." Scott said.


The end!

A/N wow, I've been working on this on and off, I would've gotten this out earlier but work and school got in the way but yeah I might make a separate story for this! Also I'm working on the discord server!

Word count : 880

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