Chapter 1

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Hello Guys, this is my first real story and my English isn't the best because it's not my mother tongue. I would be really thankful when you would correct my mistakes. Although I don't think that anybody will really read this.

This was the day Peters live changed forever.

POV Tony Stark

It was the middle of the night and I definitely should try to get a little bit of sleep. When Pepper comes back from her business trip and finds out how much I slept she will unalive me.
Currently it is three in the morning and I'm still in the lab. I'm running on a huge amount of coffee and haven't slept in 52 hours or at least this is what FRIDAY says but I don't believe her.
I'm working on one of my older suits and try to improve it, when my phone starts to ring.
FRIDAY who is that person calling me?
It's the Astoria General Hospital.
Why are they calling me?
I don't know Boss, I'm sorry. Should I accept the call?
Yes please Babygirl.

Is this Tony Stark?
Yes that's me what's the problem?
It is about a boy named Peter Parker, he..
What is it, is he hurt?
No Mr Parker is fine or as fine as possible. It's his aunt. She died because of blood lost after spending three days in the hospital. She got shot during a robbery. Peter doesn't have anybody and you were May's second emergency contact in her phone.
I understand. Thanks for calling I will be there soon.

3rd Narrator POV

Tony called his suit and started flying towards the hospital. On his way there he called happy to pick him and Peter up.
Only ten minutes later he was there and ran to the front desk. The lady there told him to go to room number 215. Which is on the second floor. He took the elevator to the floor and rund down the corridor until he stood in front of the room with the number 215. It was deadly silence and he couldn't hear anything from in the room.
Slowly he opened the door and walked in. On the floor next to the bed was a small boy with curly brown hair curled up in a ball.
Slowly Tony walked towards him and sat down next to him ignoring the corpse of May Parker which was still lying on the bed. He slowly stroked through Peters hair and pulled him in a hug. The kid didn't say anything and just snuggled into his chest.
He asked: " Is she really gone Mr Stark? She can't be gone she is all I have left."
"She's really gone kiddo. We should go. You will stay at the tower with me."
Tony pulled Peter up and walked out of the room with him. Peter didn't protest and also didn't say anything.
Together they got to the Exit an went to the parking lot where Happy was already waiting.
Tony opened the back door and Peter climbed in. Instead of going to the front seat tony walked around the car and got into the seat next to Peter. Happy started driving without asking any questions what Tony really appreciated. After a couple moment Peter who was seating really near to Tony fell asleep with his head on Tony's shoulder. Careful he moved so that the kid wouldn't wake up with a completely stiff neck. When they arrived at the tower Peter woke up and together Tony and him walked up to the penthouse.

POV Tony

When we got to the penthouse Peter was almost asleep but he tried to make it seem like he's not. I bring him to his room and tell him to take a shower before going to sleep. He definitely needed one because the nurse told me he hasn't showered or eaten in the whole three days he were there. I wouldn't tell him but he smells a little bit and his hair is really greasy. He went into the bathroom and after I laid him out one of my old MIT Hoodies and my Joggers I left the room so that he could be a bit alone. I really need a big cup of coffee right now. In the kitchen I drink my coffee which FRIDAY was so friendly to already make for me.
I guess it was an hour later when I decided to look after Peter. On my way to his room I struggle to think of something to say to him and hope that he is already asleep.
I nock on his door and when there was no answer I silently and carefully open it just to see him already fast asleep in the bed. I walk to his bed and look at the sleeping teenager.
I have absolutely no idea what's gonna happen. I don't know how to take care for an teenager and I also don't want to be a bad father like mine was. Also I don't want to push something on him, he doesn't even want. I really need Pepper's advice right now but this has to wait till the morning because I am about to simply pass out right here on the floor of exhaustion.
I pull his covers over him and softly pat his hair down. He really needs a good night of sleep. I leave the room and silently close the door. In the corridor I exhale and inhale once really deep, before I also go to bed.

POV Peter

When Mr Stark sent me to take a shower I simply went without complaining. In the bathroom I stare at my reflection in the mirror. I don't recognize myself. The person in the mirror looks like they are dead with deep rings under their eyes and which are swollen and red telling everyone that they cried. My face looks sunken in and my lips bloodless. Quickly I turn away from my reflection because this person there reminds me of what happened with my aunt.
After I took of my clothes I step in the shower and turn on the water. At first it has a normal and comfortable temperature but then I turn it, so that it gets freezing cold. I know that's not healthy because spiders can't thermoregulate and I can't either but at the moment I don't care. I stand in the shower like this for 10 minutes before it gets to much an I step out of it. The bathroom is actually really pretty with dark green tiles at the wall and with a big rain shower but i really miss our small and old bathroom in May's and mine apartment. Now completely naked I look in the mirror again. My hair looks less messy and also way less greasy but my whole body is still covered with bruises from my last patrol. Thanks to my fast healing this should have been gone two days ago but me not eating slowed down my healing a lot. Eating would be really helpful but alone thinking about food makes me want to throw up.
I step out of the bathroom an take on the clothes which probably Mr Stark put there for me. They are a little bit to large but they smell really good like coffee, cinnamon an motor oil. Exactly like Mr Stark also smells. At the moment I'm just to tired to think about it further and I just wanna go to sleep. And as soon as my head hits the pillow I'm fast asleep.

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