Chapter 2

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POV Peter

I was walking down a dark street. It was the middle of the night and pitch black. I couldn't even see my own hands.
Suddenly I heard screaming, it came from behind me. I turned around but there was nobody or at least I wasn't able to see anybody. Then I heard the screaming again but this time louder almost like the person was coming closer. I could hear people walking around me but I don't know where. The screaming continued and it was getting louder and louder. But it wasn't just one person anymore, there were hundreds, thousands of voices screaming. They weren't just screaming anything, they were screaming my name. From everywhere I could hear people shouting my name. "Peter you killed us! " This was my uncle.
"Peter it's all your fault. If it wasn't for you I would still be alive". "May, May please stop I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, please forgive me". Tears were flooding down my cheeks while I begged them to stop.
Somebody touched my shoulder and when I turned around Mr Stark was standing behind me. He was smiling at me but suddenly blood began to stream out of his mouth, then his nose and his eyes. I started screaming again but not a single noise left my mouth. I stumbled a couple steps back but then there was something behind me and when I turned around uncle Ben was standing there with bloody clothes and a big bullet wound. "You killed us all. You could have stopped them."
I wanted to cry and scream but nothing came out of my mouth when I turned I saw people walking towards me from all sides. My parents, Gwen, her dad, Harry Osborn, my aunt, my uncle, Mr Stark, Happy and everybody who died when I was on patrol. All the people who died because of me. They were screaming at me but i couldn't understand what they were saying. I sunk to the floor with my hand to my ears and shouted at them to stop.
I shot up in my bed with a scream. Tears are flooding down my cheeks and my throat feels dry from screaming in my dreams. I sit up against the edge of my bed and try to calm down my breathing.
After what feels like an hour but probably only were a couple minutes I stand up and decide to go to the kitchen to drink something. In the kitchen I fill a glass of water and take it with me to my room. Mr Stark's room was right next to mine but I think the walls are soundproof or else he would bed awake by now. I don't really know why but I open the door to Mr Stark's room and walk in. I stand in front of his bed and right now I feel like a little kid who goes to their parents room after having a nightmare. When you want to think about it I am doing exactly the same. Slowly I walk to his bedside.
"Tony?" I ask quietly. I feel bad about waking him because God knows he needed that sleep but at this moment I just can't help myself.
"Kiddo? What's wrong? " I hear his groggy voice as he turns his head towards me.
Suddenly I'm embarrassed and regret waking him up so I don't really answer.
"You had a nightmare ? I know how hard they can be, I also get them. You wanna sleep here Underoos? " He says and I'm starting to nod. I have absolutely no idea how he could see me while it was so dark in here but he just padded the bed and signalized me to go to sleep.
I climb into the bed and lay down. Carefully he puts his arm around my neck and pulls me towards his chest. I snuggle closer and happily fall asleep. Just for this moment I thought that everything is gonna be Ok. When I'm near my Dad..I mean Mr Stark nothing can happen and all bad things are gone.

POV Tony

After Peter fell asleep I try not to move so that I don't wake up the sleeping teenager because after everything that happened he really deserves a good night of sleep. I know how hard it is to lose your parents but this boy didn't just lose his parents but also his second parental persons which were his aunt and his uncle. Life really isn't fair sometimes. In the last year Peter and I got really close. He spent every second weekend at the tower and we watched movies together after working for hours in the lab. Pepper wasn't a big fan of this style of living but she loves Peter too much to stop him from doing what makes him happy. Actually May asked me to have shared custody for Peter only a couple months back. Since that time Peter was here even more often then before and even though I think of him as a son I don't want Peter to think that I try to replace his father or his uncle. Now after May is dead we probably should talk about adoption because no matter what, I won't let CPS (chil protection service) take him away. But this has to wait till Peter is doing better and till Pepper gets back from her business trip. Slowly I'm getting more tired and I know that I should sleep because I definitely will need the energy tomorrow.

POV 3rd Person

Tony fell asleep 10 minutes after Peter did and know the not related father-son duo was getting some highly deserved sleep. Peter was cuddled up at Tony's chest and Tony's fingers were in the kids hair because he was tangling through them before he fell asleep. FRIDAY took a photo of this scene and sent it to Pepper.

Both of them got a night of sleep and Peter didn't get any more nightmares. After this only partly peaceful night they both hoped for an better morning but this won't really come true.

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