Chapter 5

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Hey guys, I'm so sorry for updating so late but i was really busy this last couple days and although I started writing this chapter days ago I only was able to finish it today. I hope you like it and thanks to all of you who read this.

POV Tony

I was tinkering in my lab for almost two hours when FRIDAY informs me that Peter is starting to wake up. Quickly I left and went up to the penthouse with the elevator. Upstairs I waited in the kitchen for Peter.
A couple minutes later he is tiredly walking towards me with a blanket wrapped around him. His barefoot feets are making noises on the cold floor and he quickly jumps on the couch so that he won't get sick. "What do you want for lunch Bambino? " I asked. "Don' care." He mumbles. "What about pasta. Selfmade, by me ?" "That's fine Mr Stark."
So I get started with making the pasta. "Hey Mr. Stark can I watch Supernatural? " "Course Kiddo there is a reason why I bought you Amazon and Netflix. You are supposed to watch it."
"Thanks Mr Stark." Peter said.
I was halfway finished with supernatural in the background when FRIDAY announced that the Avengers asked to get access to the penthouse. Peter stopped his show and looked at me.
"What do you want to do ?" He asked me.
"Babygirl let them up please." "No problem boss"
"Pete can you please watch your show and let us talk. This is nothing you have to worry bout. But I need you here to calm me down."
"Of course Mr Stark." " Pls. Kid stop calling me that, it makes me feel old. " "But you are old Mr Stark " Peter was grinning like a menace. I throw a dish towel at him but in this moment the elevator stops. Quickly Peter turns the tv back on and continues watching. The elevator doors open and the rogue walk out but this time less confident. 
"Hey Tony." "Steve.
"What do you want here." I asked.
"We all, but especially me wanted to say sorry. I hate how everything between us is now and just wish I could change that. Maybe we could talk and figure it out. I just want it to be like it was before all this went down. "
"I'm sorry Steve but it won't ever be the way it was. I can't forgive you but maybe we can talk and try to rebuild the team."
"Thank you so much Tony." "Yeah thanks' said Nat and the others also were grateful.

POV 3rd person

Tony invited them for lunch and everybody tried to help as much as possible and even though the atmosphere was a little awkward and not really relaxed it was quiet nice that everybody was back. Or almost everybody because Wanda was somewhere with vision and Rhodes of course isn't really here so oft. Bruce is also somewhere but nobody knows where either but he will come back when he is ready.
Rhodey still is struggling a lot with his leg proteses because he doesn't want to wear it but he still visits Tony as much as possible.
When the food was done everybody got seated and Peter also sat down next to Tony. Steve was the furthest away from him  together with Bucky.
During the meal all of the rogue avengers were watching how Peter and tony interact with each other and how close they seem.
After half of the meal Clint just couldn't keep it together and asked Tony if he was his father.
"I'm so sorry but are you his dad Tony? You surely act like one and this comes from another dad. If not then you still are a good father figure I guess."
"Na he's not my dad, my parents are dead so it's not really logical."
They all stare at him. "Pete stop, it's not funny please." Tony whined.
"Sorry Tony. "
"You called me Tony." He was freaking out and this made everybody laugh.
The rest of the meal was more relaxed but still not perfekt. It will take a hell lot of work till everything is fine but they are on a pretty good way.

POV Peter

I was still mad at them for betraying my dad but they all seem really nice and I think that Mr. Stark missed them too.
After the meal we all cleaned up together. I felt guilty because I was feeling kinda happy. Not really of course but i wasn't thinking about May all the time and I wasn't just lying in my bed the way I did when Ben died. It just feels wrong to spent time with the avengers and kinda having fun only so short after she died. I should be crying, screaming or just wanting to die. It's  weird that I enjoy the food while after Ben got shot I didn't eat for a whole week.
This all makes me so fucking angry but I'm just emotional so weak that I can't do anything. I simply wanna go to bed and never wake up again. I can't cry even if I want to neither can I scream or punch anything anymore. I'm so tired of all of this, of live and everything but don't want to leave dad (Mr Stark). But maybe he's better without me ?
No, stop thinking like that you stupid idiot. There is absolutely no reason for you to think about those things. Now just go and help Bucky with the dishes.
I walk towards him and he looks at me questioning.
"You want to help me?" I nod and he makes a step to the side so we both have space Infront if the huge sink.
I can feel him staring at me for a couple seconds before he faces the dishes again and we just start working in silence.
I really enjoy that he doesn't ask me any questions and it's no awkward silence but more of a comfortable one. When we dried all of the dishes he look at me once. And then simply said: "If you need anybody you can come to me. I share a room with Steve. Just that you know where to find me."
He was blushing after that and quickly walked away. I smile to myself a little but it quickly dies on my lips. It's nice that he wants to help me and I really like Bucky but I'm not ready to talk bout it. The first person I will talk to is Tony but it's nice to know that I'm not alone.

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