Chapter 4

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POV Peter

I noticed of course that the black widow is watching me but I'm more focused on what Steve and Tony are talking about.
"Tony, it's really dangerous to have a child here, i mean he could get kidnapped or hurt." Said Steve. "I won't let anybody hurt this kid and if he is save somewhere, than it's with me. It's not your decision what happens to him." Tony responded "It's not your decision either. It is the responsibility of his parents, or are you his dad ?" "I'm not his dad but he is my child and I will take care for him." "No big surprised that one day all of your wild nights resulted in a child. I wouldn't even be surprised if there is more than just this one." "I said he is my kid not that he is my biological son."  Tony tried to interfer but Steve didn't let him talk. "I don't think that you are capable of taking care of an child. You will probably be drunk half of the time and gone or locked in your lab for the other half." 
I just couldn't stay calm after he said that. I mean none of this is true but I know that Mr Stark would still believe him.
In this moment I'm just so angry. All of my feelings, all of the hate, grief, anger, the feeling that I couldn't stop her or uncle Ben's death. It all breaks down on me and I'm about to explode.
I jump up from where I was and push myself between Steve and my Dad I mean Mr. Stark.
"How dare you call him an alcoholic and accuse him if being a bad father person. You know nothing about him and the person he is. No one you were here the last two years and so you have no right to judge Mr Stark. He was so friendly to allow you to stay here even though I tried to talk him out  of him because in my opinion you don't help people who betray you and almost kill you. " Steve looked like he wanted to say something but i don't let him. "Don't even try to say that you're sorry or deny it because this is something we won't ever forgive or forget. I was there for him when he almost died. I found him in Siberia almost dead and in no good shape. I sat next to his bed in the med wing when no one else did. And he still cared more about me and all of you than himself. He wasn't even fully healed when he started to talk with his lawyers to get you freed. So don't you dare come in here and call him selfish."  Steve tried to look at Tony who didn't say anything the whole time and also didn't look up. "Don't speak to him, I'm talking right now. And now get the fuck out of his penthouse." I was so angry at this moment that I took one step towards them and it seemed to help because they were walking pretty fast towards the elevator and went in it. Now after I screamed all of my feelings out I feel so weak and the reality of May's death kicks in. Suddenly my legs start to give up but before I can fall to the floor Mr Stark is with me and holds me. Together we sink to the floor. I can't hold my tears in and I think I started screaming out of agony. My Dad just holds me and let me scream and cry. He didn't let go and after quite a while I feel myself slipping away from reality and falling asleep. But i still can hear my Dad whispering that he loves me.


After he screamed at Steve like crazy, we were almost running in the elevator. This boy is really scary and this comes from me. We were in the elevator and the doors were about to close when I saw the kid stumbling and falling in Tony's arms I could hear him crying and screaming like he was in pain but I understood that this was no physical pain but mentally. I hate to hear such a young person crying like this. Nobody should have a reason to cry like this ever but especially no child. I look at the others and I can see in their faces that they heard him screaming too and are thinking the same as me. Friday lets us out on our level and we all sit on the sofa without talking. After a while I see how Steve starts sketching in his notebook with Bucky's head in his lap. I'm really happy that those two can show their love to each other without being scared of others. I wished that they could have had this back when they were still young and innocent.
I'm getting really tired because we were on the plane this whole night and I just couldn't sleep with Clint being so damn annoying, so I tell the others that I will take a nap and make me on the way to my old room. The corridor is really empty and way to clean. There is no dust or clothes. Back when we all lived here together, there were clothes, bandages and weapons everywhere but now there is simply nothing. I slowly open the door to my room and get surprised by how it looks. Nothing changed, it's exactly how I left it behind but it's really clean. And sadly I'm not the most organized person here. This is definitely Steve. After a quick hot shower, omg how I missed this, I went to bed and was soon nocked out.

POV Tony

After Peter screamed his soul out of his body in my arms and then fell asleep I sat on the floor with the kid in my arms and tried to understand what just happened. Steve and the others are long gone and slowly I'm getting tired too but i still don't understand why the kid defended me. I mean he could have just said that it's no problem for him to be here bit that he went full protective mode was really surprising.
After another 10 minutes I can feel my already stiff neck and my back pain coming so I decide that it's time to go to bed for Pete.
I pick him up (and why the hell is this kid so light) but this is not the moment to force the him to eat.
I walk to his room and carefully place him on his bed. After I put his covers over him, which of course are iron man themed, i give him a kiss on his temple and tell FRIDAY to close the curtains so that the light won't bother him.
I go to the living room and decide to call Pepper. After only two rings she answers and I'm so happy to hear her voice. I tell her everything and we talk for the next two hours. After we both said goodbye, because Pepper had to go to a meeting, I sat on the couch and thought about what to do next. It's only 12:30 but maybe I should go to the lab and after this I will wake Peter up and we can eat something together.
With this plan in mind I make myself on the way to the lab.

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