Chapter 8

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Sorry guys but I'm on vacation and don't really have time and motivation to write but I'm proud that I wrote this. So have fun.

POV 3rd Person

Breakfast smelled delicious. But that is no surprise if you know that Steve was making pancakes. There were 6 plates stocked with pancakes and at least 5 bottles of marble Sirup and a lot of butter and of course Nutella. It smelled like fresh orange juice, coffee and tea. After Peters arrival there were only Sam and Clint missing but Nat said something about Clint getting hunted by Sam for dying his hair bright blue . They all sit down. Tony and Steve sit as far away from each other as possible. Peter takes a seat next to Tony and on his other side surprisingly takes Nat a seat. Other than that Steve sits together with Bucky. And Wanda and Vision are also really near to each other. Rhodey and Pepper both are gone to look after the preparation of May's funeral and Sam and Clint come by only after the breakfast already started.
The mood was really not good because even though except Tony nobody knows about the funeral, everybody can feel how Stiff the atmosphere is.
After breakfast Tony and Peter leave the table at first and hurry down to the lab.

POV Tony

We spent all morning tinkering in the lab while listening to a playlist than includes both mine and peters favourite songs. I can feel peters mood changing to something less depressed when the song Umbrella by Rihanna starts playing. He actually starts humming to it and it makes me so happy to see him like this.

***Time skip to Peter preparing himself for the funeral***

POV Peter

Anger. This is all I can feel right now. I'm just angry at everything and everybody. At myself for not being there to save my aunt. At the avengers to not be there. At everybody in the shop who could have been shot instead of her.  And finally, The robber. My body starts to tremble even thinking about him. I wish I could rip his heart out if his chest with my bare hands. I want to hear him scream and please for mercy. I wanna hear him whimper and cry. The sound of his breath getting more irregular and the blood tripping on the floor. How his breathing stops and his dead body falls to the floor with a satisfying thud.
A smile creeps in my face only thinking about this.
But it's wrong.
Who cares, he deserves it. But this is not who I am and who I wanna be as a person.
Ok Peter Stop thinking about it.
I have to do do something that helps me to think about something else.
But i don't know what. I don't wanna destroy anything because I will regret it later but I'm just so angry all the time. I wanna throw my phone at the wall. I would love to smash my desk and to kick my bed. I wanna punch the window until all that's left are little pieces of everything. Just like my heart. All left of my heart are little pieces that you can't repair anymore. Maybe try to fix it but it won't be the same.
I look at my watch and see that I only have half an hour till we have to go ad I'm not even a little bit prepared.
I can feel the tears running down my face and try to wipe them away with my pullover.
Mr Stark told me to take a shower and then take on the suit which he brought in my room ten minutes ago. I quicky take a shower without looking at myself in the mirror and afterwards I brush out my hair. It got really tangled lately because of me not washing it or taking care of it.
I am almost completely ready when somebody knocks on my door.
"It's me kiddo I wanted to asked if you're ready. Happy will be in the car in ten minutes." "A -Almost." I said while struggling to tie my tie. I never did this alone. May was always there to help me and now with her gone and the tears in my eyes I just can't do it.
I hear the door getting opened and watch through my mirror how Tony walks towards me.
"Do you need help?"
I nod and he ties my tie for me.

*Time skip because I'm lazy *

At the funeral there are a lot of May's coworker it neighbors. I don't even know half of these people but I'm not surprised that there were so many People who cared about her. I can't really remember anything except that Pepper hold a speech and Tony was at my side the whole time. Ned and MJ were also there and as soon as I got out if the car they both embraced me in a group hug. Only then I realized how much I missed them and how much I need them.
Now we are back home on the couch and Tony promised that he will get me ice cream and than we will watch Star Wars. We eat the whole box of ice cream and I lean against Tony's side.

POV Tony

The kid leans on my side and my heart melts. I wrap my arm around him and pull him towards me so that his head rests on my chest. I comb through his hair with my fingers and not long after we started the second film he was asleep. Sometimes he let out a quiet snoring bit it was the cutest thing ever. I pull a blanket towards me and lie down so that he rest between my legs with his head tugged under my chin. I wrap the blanket over us and not long till I also fall asleep.

POV Pepper

I got home really late this evening because I just had so much work to do. I walk through the penthouse and am surprised to see Tony lying on the couch deeply asleep with Pete in his arms. Even though the teen looks peacefully right now, i know that it will take a long time until he will feel better it i know that he won't be alone. No matter if it's me, Tony or any other Avenger or his friend, he won't ever be alone. We will always be there for him and I know that Tony would do anything to make him happy again. I go towards the couch and give Peter a kiss on the head and Tony one on his Temples.
"Good night" I whisper before heading to my bed.

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